William Devenish

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William "Will" Devenish
Portrayed by Sam Crane
Full Name William John Devenish
Title Sir William Devenish
Associated Noble House(s) No connections
Date of Birth 29th March 1786
Father Sir John Devenish (deceased)
Father's Rank Baronet
Mother Fanny Devenish (nee Wilson)
Mother's Rank Gentry
Town Residence Cavisham House, 120 Mount Street
Income £2000 p.a.
School Eton
University Oxford (Trinity). Degree not completed.

Sir William Devenish (Will) is the squire of Applebrook in Yorkshire. He lives with his widowed mother Lady Devenish and his younger brother, Charlie, who is destined for the church. When his father Sir John died in 1807 leaving a mountain of debts, Will was obliged to degrade from Oxford in order to sort out the estate. He has been helped greatly in this by his neighbour Lord Rotherham who has purchased some of the estate, advised him on financial management and promised a living in Cheshire for Charlie once he takes orders.

As children, Will was always close to the Fitzgerald siblings at Rotherham Park, particularly to Viola. This friendship soon developed into romance on Will's side at least and they had a brief love affair in summer 1804. It ended when Will returned to school and Viola made her debut the following spring.[1]

More recently, Will became involved with Viola's younger sister Olivia who had always hero worshipped him. An engagement was formed in 1810 and kept secret due to Will's fears of disapproval from her parents.

Will is a PC created by Rose and played by Amy.

  1. Fic: The sadder but wiser girl