Elizabeth Landon

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Elizabeth Grace Landon, born Lady Elizabeth Landon, is the eldest daughter of Edmond Landon and Marion Landon, Marquess and Marchioness of Beningborough. She is Juliet Landon's elder sister, and is a NPC created by Izzie.

As with all NPCs, the PB for this character is only tentative, and can be used for an actual character.

Elizabeth Landon
Portrayed by Dianna Agron
Full Name Elizabeth Grace Landon
Associated Noble House(s) Marquessate of Beningborough and the Earldom of Seyton
Date of Birth January 7, 1792
Father Edmond Landon
Father's Rank Marquess of Beningborough
Mother Marion Landon (nee Burstow)
Mother's Rank Marchioness of Beningborough
Town Residence Beningborough House, 84 Brook Street
Year of Debut 1810
Dowry £50,000


Elizabeth is one of five children, and is the eldest girl. Her siblings include:

Richard Landon

Juliet Landon

Frederick Landon

Amelia "Amy" Landon

Childhood (1792-1810)

Elizabeth was a very quiet child, spending almost all of her time indoors (unless she was dragged outside by Richard). She was well-mannered from a young age, and showed a proficiency for drawing and music early on. This peaceful existence was soon to be disrupted by the arrival of the next Landon sibling, Juliet Landon, who arrived screaming her way into the world. Because of the close ages of the girls, Elizabeth was looked to be a good influence over Juliet, though Juliet never quite took to her sister's example. The girls swung between being best friends and worst enemies as they grew up, Elizabeth resenting Juliet's loud and sometimes obnoxious presence in her life. As Elizabeth grew, two more siblings joined her family, and she soon gave up the idea of ever having a peaceful moment again. As she approached her debut, Elizabeth set her mind to marrying within her first year in society, as her mother had done.

Debut (1810)

Following her debut in April 1810, Elizabeth was launched into society with great acclaim, and found herself with a fair amount of suitors, though none of them proposed. She finished her Season disappointed about the lack of a husband on her arm, but happy with the praise and title of Incomparable that had been bestowed upon her for that year.

Present Day (1811-)

Elizabeth is now starting her second Season, and is in direct competition with Juliet to find a husband. She is also embroiled in the ongoing Battle of the Debutantes that is taking place between Juliet and Julianne Grafton.