Josephine Carlisle

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The ever-ladylike Josie Carlisle
The ever-ladylike Josie Carlisle

Josephine Carlisle is the only daughter of Anne and Christopher Carlisle (not to be confused with her brother, also Christopher Carlisle).


When both parents passed away young,Josie and her brother passed into the care of their wealthy cousins, the Ellesmeres. Josie has an extensive array of cousins.

Ellesmere cousins

Aunt: Jane Ellesmere
Uncle: Anthony Ellesmere
Cousin: Nathaniel Ellesmere
Cousin: Elinor Knowles née Ellesmere
Cousin: Prosperity Ellesmere
Cousin: Patience Ellesmere
Cousin: Annie Ellesmere

Fitzgerald cousins

Uncle: Richard Fitzgerald, Earl of Rotherham
Aunt: Madeleine Fitzgerald, Countess of Rotherham
Cousin: Viola Fitzgerald
Cousin: Olivia Fitzgerald
Cousin: Richard Fitzgerald
Cousin: Robert Fitzgerald