Edward Tolson

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Facepalming at his sister's antics since 1789.

Edward Matthew Tolson, born Mr. Edward Tolson, is the only son of Thomas Tolson and Katherine Tolson, Baron and Baroness of Middleton. He is the elder brother of Charlotte Tolson, and will be the 28th Baron upon his father's death. He is played by Izzie.

Edward Tolson
Portrayed by James Marsden
Full Name Edward Matthew Tolson
Title Mr. Edward Tolson
Associated Noble House(s) Baronry of Middleton
Date of Birth April 4, 1784
Father Thomas Tolson
Father's Rank 27th Baron Middleton
Mother Katherine Tolson
Mother's Rank Baroness Middleton
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
Income {{{income}}}
School {{{school}}}
University {{{university}}}
Year Attained Title N/A


Edward is the eldest child of Thomas Tolson and Katherine Tolson, Baron and Baroness Middleton. He is the older brother of Charlotte Tolson.

His extended family includes:

The Landon's

Edmond Landon, Marquess of Beningborough - Uncle

Marion Landon, Marchioness of Beningborough - Maternal Aunt

Richard Landon, Earl of Seyton - Cousin

Elizabeth "Ella" Landon, Countess of Seyton - Cousin-in-law

Elizabeth Landon - Cousin

Juliet Landon - Cousin

Frederick Landon - Cousin

Amelia "Amy" Landon - Cousin

The Burstow's

Samuel Burstow, Baron of Roth - Maternal Uncle

Angela Burstow (nee Waldegrave), Baroness of Roth - Maternal Aunt (1776 -1791)

Gerard Burstow - Cousin

Lucy Burstow - Cousin

Childhood & Schooling (1784-1804)

As the first child of the unhappily married Thomas and Katherine Tolson, Edward grew up in an uneasy household. While his English parents struggled to adjust to India and their married life together, Edward spent all of his time playing alone, as there were few other children in the little English part of Bengal. He was well aware of the tension in the Tolson home, and knew a little of the violence that was occurring outside the walls of the town. Another child joined the Tolson family in 1784, Charlotte Tolson. Even from a young age, Edward felt protective of his younger sister, and took it upon himself to care for her. The two became very close, and while Edward always enjoyed teasing Charlotte, the two often embarked on adventures that Edward schemed up (i.e. the elephant excursion). By the time Edward reached the age of 10, it was time for him and the other boys in the town to attend lessons with a tutor. It was here that Edward met James Hawley and Henry (Harry) MacAllistar, two recent arrivals from England who would quickly become Edward's best friends.

While James and Harry were less inclined to their studies, Edward was engrossed by them, and proved to be a quick learner. The trio of Edward, James and Harry often spent their spare time causing trouble around the town, much to his father's displeasure and Charlotte's amusement. At the age of 19, he reached the end of his schooling with his tutor, and found himself at a loss of what to do with his life. He spent six months spending time with Charlotte, and attending various social events. By 1804, his father had decided that it was time for Edward to begin working, and took his son on as his assistant at the Company.

The East India Company (1804-1810)

Edward spent six years working at the Company as his father's assistant, a job which Edward found exceedingly dull. A year into his job, Edward began contemplating how to get out of the job. By 1806, he began to contemplate leaving the Company and traveling around the continent. He was convinced out of this route by his mother, who insisted that he stay, at least for Charlotte's sake, as she was due to make her debut in 1807. When Charlotte's debut came, Edward spent all of his spare time escorting her to society events, and spending time with James and Harry. He longed to leave the Company, but knew that there was no other place in Bengal that would offer him the same kind of experience that the Company did.

The Thomas Leith Scandal (1809)

However much Edward loved his sister, Charlotte would prove to enter a rebellious phase of her life when she became entangled with Lieutenant Thomas Leith, a well known rake throughout the Company. Edward had an extreme disliking of the man, and was even more upset when he discovered that Leith had taken a liking to Charlotte, and that she returned his attentions. Edward found the couple secluded in the Tolson library one evening, and ensured that Charlotte and Leith ceased their relationship. Two days later, however, Charlotte left to elope with Leith, only to leave him at the altar, much to Edward's relief.

Summons to London (1810-1811)

January 1810 brought the Tolson family a summons from London, recalling them to England after nearly three decades abroad. Edward saw this as his opportunity to separate from his family, to see more of the world, but was once again convinced to stay for the sake of his sister. While Charlotte originally seemed happy to travel to England, she quickly entered into a strong bout of depression, and Edward decided to stay with her. He had no objection to traveling to England; it still counted as abroad, as far as Edward was concerned.


The Tolson family has two primary residences in England.

Middleton Hall (connected to the Baronry of Middleton)

17 Curzon Street (their London residence)


Rosalind Fairmont - Met through his sister, Rosalind Fairmont seems like every other society girl Edward has ever met - but that is not to say that he does not enjoy her company. He finds her to be very bright and vivacious, and enjoys flirting with her time to time.

Marcus Fairmont - Brother of Rosalind, Edward is keen to get along with the gentleman, especially as Charlotte seems to have set her eye to him.

Mireille Trevethyn - Edward's first dance partner in London, he finds Mireille to be sweet, and enjoys her presence greatly. He finds that he has a bit of a connection with her, as she is also from the colonies, and likes to hear about her tales of the West Indies.

Kitty Clement - Another dance partner, Edward is intrigued by the young lady, and hopes to discover more about her.

Captain Isaac Reeves - A chance meeting in Hyde Park brought the Captain into Edward's social circuit. He thinks that he and the Captain would get along quite well, given time, though he may not appreciate the Captain's view regarding books...

Christopher Carlisle - a chance meeting in Hyde Park, the gentlemen share a dislike of society news.

Selected Threads

April 14, 1811 Edward's first day as a played character, he attends Easter Sunday services with his family, and the Emerson Ball in the evening.

Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Mothers - http://z9.invisionfree.com/thelondonlife/index.php?showtopic=1278&st=0&#last

Standing and Chatting - http://z9.invisionfree.com/thelondonlife/index.php?showtopic=1401

April 16, 1811 Edward makes some new acquaintances, and attends Lady Viola's musicale.

Browsing the Bookshelves - http://z9.invisionfree.com/thelondonlife/index.php?showtopic=1871

May I Introduce You? - http://z9.invisionfree.com/thelondonlife/index.php?showtopic=1902

For a complete archive of Edward's threads, please visit: http://www.thelondonliferpg.com/forums/index.php?/topic/65-tolson-edward/