Beningborough House

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84 Brook Street, Mayfair

Beningborough House is located at 84 Brook Street, Mayfair, London. It is the London residence of the Marquess and Marchioness of Beningborough, Edmond Landon and Marion Landon. Bought at the end of the 1810 Season, Beningborough House has been undergoing renovations for the 1811 Season, and will be officially opened up to the Ton on April 19, 1811 during the Tolson Dinner Party.

Family members currently in residence include:

Augusta Landon

Edmond Landon

Marion Landon

Richard Landon

Elizabeth "Ella" Landon

Elizabeth Landon

Juliet Landon

Amelia "Amy" Landon

Household Staff

Mr. Giles Rhys (commonly referred to as Rhys) - Butler

Mrs. Helena Bladen - Housekeeper

Prudence Bosworth - Marchioness' ladies' maid

Anne Ivison - Juliet & Elizabeth's ladies' maid

Jacob Royce - Stable boy

Tom Coburne - Stable boy

Mrs. Bridget Downing - Cook

Emily Morley - Maid

Harriet Ashbourne - Maid

Walter Sutton - Footman

Malcolm Jackson - Footman

Miss Mariah Craythorne (commonly referred to as Mariah) - Governess to Amy Landon