Shipping Masterlist: Difference between revisions

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<BR>[[Arthur Dalrymple]]/[[Julianne Grafton]] '''HMS Not Titled Enough'''
<BR>[[Arthur Dalrymple]]/[[Julianne Grafton]] '''HMS Not Titled Enough'''
<BR>[[Arthur Dalrymple]]/[[Katherine steele|Katherine Steele]] '''HMS Maybe Next Time'''
<BR>[[Arthur Dalrymple]]/[[Katherine steele|Katherine Steele]] '''HMS Maybe Next Time'''
<BR>[[Arthur Dalrymple]]/[[Olivia Fitzgerald]]
<BR>[[Arthur Dalrymple]]/[[Viola Fitzgerald]] '''HMS Misfire'''
<BR>[[Arthur Dalrymple]]/[[Viola Fitzgerald]] '''HMS Misfire'''

Revision as of 16:49, 9 October 2010

"Ships" are short for "relationships" and are a way of describing a romantic relationship between two characters. The below list is made up of serious ships (which will eventually have their own page) all the way down to frivolous, AU and, crack ships that are just there for comedy value.


The masterlist is ordered by the male partner in each ship.


Algernon Culpepper/Felicity Staunton HMS Have I Mentioned My Curricle?


Anne Bromley/Lilias Aldridge HMS Gay Paree


Anthony Dunford/Charlotte Tolson HMS Expat
Anthony Dunford/Eleanor Clare HMS Elony/Does Your Mother Know
Anthony Dunford/Elise Hampton HMS Just Teasing
Anthony Dunford/Harriet Fforde HMS Trading Up
Anthony DunfordSelina Clare HMS She's Your Daughter?!


Arthur Dalrymple/Charity Pritchard
Arthur Dalrymple/Harriet Fforde HMS Been There Done That
Arthur Dalrymple/Julianne Grafton HMS Not Titled Enough
Arthur Dalrymple/Katherine Steele HMS Maybe Next Time
Arthur Dalrymple/Olivia Fitzgerald
Arthur Dalrymple/Viola Fitzgerald HMS Misfire


Benjamin Hutchinson/Imogen Rathbone
Benjamin Hutchinson/Mary Tibbord HMS Jane Eyre


Blake Pritchard/Anne Bromley HMS Rare Flower
Blake Pritchard/Elise Hampton
Blake Pritchard/Juliet Landon
Blake Pritchard/Rosalind Fairmont
Blake Pritchard/Viola Fitzgerald HMS Duel


Charlie Devenish/Annabelle Beacham HMS Super Bright Shiny Happy Neon Rainbow Fun-Times!!!1
Charlie Devenish/Eleanor Clare HMS Northanger Abbey
Charlie Devenish/Elise Hampton HMS Lemon Fancies
Charlie Devenish/Katherine Winter
Charlie Devenish/Elizabeth Dunford
Charlie Devenish/Susannah Hutchinson


Clarence Haworth/Georgiana Haworth HMS Canon


Damien Relmsey/Juliet Landon HMS Julien


Daniel Rossington/Elise Hampton HMS Denise
Daniel Rossington/Jane Rossington (deceased) HMS If It Kills Me
Daniel Rossington/Penelope Grove
Daniel Rossington/Rosalind Fairmont


Demelza Quartermaine Solo HMS Indomitable


Evander Whinging/Juliet Landon
Evander Whinging/Penelope Grove HMS Awkward Turtle
Evander Whinging/Viola Fitzgerald HMS Pillars of the Earth


Francis Hopkins-Lawrence/Viola Fitzgerald HMS Valkyrie


Gabriel Pritchard/Rosalind Fairmont
Gabriel Pritchard/Viola Fitzgerald HMS Other Brother


Geoffrey Stapleton/A Lady HMS Proudly Prejudiced
Geoffrey Stapleton/Susannah Hutchinson HMS Fairy Godmother
Geoffrey Stapleton/Olivia Fitzgerald HMS Follow Your Heart
Geoffrey Stapleton/Viola Fitzgerald


George Hackett/Charity Pritchard
George Hackett/Julianne Grafton HMS A Whole New New World
George Hackett/Patrizia Dell'Angelo HMS That's Amore
George Hackett/Susannah Hutchinson HMS Gentleman's Daughter


Hamond Poore/Felicity Staunton HMS Fluffy


Henry Layton/Charity Pritchard HMS Sphinx
Henry Layton/Georgiana Haworth HMS You Snooze You Lose
Henry Layton/Gwendolyn Moncrieff
Henry Layton/Helena Wriothesley HMS Muffin
Henry Layton/Viola Fitzgerald


Hugo Fotherington/Alethea Tessington HMS Hugally
Hugo Fotherington/Annabelle Beacham HMS Save Me Now
Hugo Fotherington/Katherine Steele HMS White Knight
Hugo Fotherington/Elizabeth Dunford
Hugo Fotherington/Selina Clare


John Rutledge/Annabelle Beacham HMS Froggy
John Rutledge/Imogen Rathbone


Christopher Carlisle/Viola Fitzgerald HMS Incest


Marcus Fairmont/Alethea Tessington HMS Happy Birthday
Marcus Fairmont/Charlotte Tolson HMS Lonely Planet
Marcus Fairmont/Claudia Morton HMS Indefatigable
Marcus Fairmont/Hermione Longstaffe HMS Puppy Love
Marcus Fairmont/Felicity Staunton HMS Sherwood Forest
Marcus Fairmont/Elizabeth Dunford HMS Friends With Benefits
Marcus Fairmont/Viola Fitzgerald HMS Old News


Mark Fotherington/Felicity Staunton


Martin Armstrong/Lydia Armstrong


Matthew Wescott/Louisa Westcott


Nicholas Gosling/Annabelle Beacham HMS Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Nicholas Gosling/Cassandra Gosling (deceased)
Nicholas Gosling/Elise Hampton
Nicholas Gosling/Juliet Landon HMS Manslayer
Nicholas Gosling/Viola Fitzgerald HMS Once Upon A Dream


Oscar Moncrieff/Anne Bromley HMS Galatea
Oscar Moncrieff/Eleanor Clare HMS Lolita
Oscar Moncrieff/Jane Middleton
Oscar Moncrieff/Lilias Aldridge HMS Entre L'Amour Et L'Amitié
Oscar Moncrieff/Selina Clare HMS Marriage À-La-Mode


Patrick Grove/Regina Rutledge HMS Music of the Night


Richard Blackwood/Millicent Blackwood


Thomas Sterne/Alethea Tessington HMS NC-17
Thomas Sterne/Cassandra Edgeworth HMS Dangerous Liaisons
Thomas Sterne/Charity Pritchard HMS Camelot
Thomas Sterne/Daphne Werlington HMS What the...
Thomas Sterne/Demelza Quartermaine HMS Short Sighted
Thomas Sterne/Elise Hampton HMS Abduction
Thomas Sterne/Felicity Staunton
Thomas Sterne/Imogen Rathbone HMS Carpe Diem
Thomas Sterne/Katherine Steele Queen of Diamonds, Knave of Hearts
Thomas Sterne/Perdita Gardiner HMS Vanity Fair
Thomas Sterne/Rebecca Garrison HMS In Your Dreams
Thomas Sterne/Rosalind Fairmont HMS Fetching Mystery
Thomas Sterne/Selina Clare HMS Match-Made-In-Heaven-IMHO
Thomas Sterne/Viola Fitzgerald HMS Armageddon
Thomas Sterne/Violet Edgerton HMS Titanic


Tristan Edgeworth/Helena Wriothesley HMS Chivalry Punishéd
Tristan Edgeworth/Jemima Palmer


Valeri Christiakov/Olivia Fitzgerald


Victor Kincaide/Charity Pritchard HMS Crossed Wires


Walter Roydon/Cassandra Edgeworth HMS Fox in the Henhouse
Walter Roydon/Demelza Quartermaine
Walter Roydon/Eleanor Clare HMS Cold Milk
Walter Roydon/Gwendolyn Moncrieff HMS Testing the Water

Will D

William Devenish/Olivia Fitzgerald
William Devenish/Viola Fitzgerald HMS Summer Lovin'

Will G

William Gosling/Amelia Leveson HMS Ego
William Gosling/Annabelle Beacham HMS Bonnet Chaser
William Gosling/Katherine Steele HMS Bear Baiting
William Gosling/Olivia Fitzgerald HMS Hey Little Sister
William Gosling/Victor's sisters HMS Victor Will End You/HMS Kink
William Gosling/Viola Fitzgerald HMS Villiam