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* Apple pie is why we have picnics[]: En route to Richmond with Blake
* Apple pie is why we have picnics[]: En route to Richmond with Blake
* Your joyous laughter is my strength[]: Picnic in Richmond with Blake, Elise and Robbie
* Your joyous laughter is my strength[]: Picnic in Richmond with Blake, Elise and Robbie
* A Phaeton Made For Two[]: Driving back with Blake

===Friday 10th May===
===Friday 10th May===

* See the town, watch the people[]: With Olivia, Nathaniel Scarborough and Emily Grey in Town
* See the town, watch the people[]: With Olivia, Nathaniel Scarborough and Emily Grey in Town
* Should Auld Aquaintance Be Forgot[]: With Olivia and Lord Foxford in the park
===Saturday 11th May===
* A Congratulatory Call[]: Calling on Juliet Landon with Olivia
* Spinsters United[]: Meeting Honoria Bartram at the Middleton Ball

Revision as of 13:03, 21 December 2014

Viola Fitzgerald
Portrayed by Hayley Atwell
Full Name Viola Mary Fitzgerald
Associated Noble House(s) Earldom of Rotherham
Date of Birth 15th September 1787
Father Richard Fitzgerald
Father's Rank Earl of Rotherham
Mother Madeleine Fitzgerald (nee Freye)
Mother's Rank Countess of Rotherham
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
Year of Debut 1805
Dowry £45,000

Lady Viola Fitzgerald is the older daughter of the Earl of Rotherham. She is twenty-three years old and has a dowry of £45,000. Although unmarried, she is a formidable member of the Ton, well-known for her scathing wit, musical abilities and habit of rejecting eligible suitors. Her greatest ambition is to be an Almack's patroness. She is a closet romantic.

Viola is played by Rose.


Richard Fitzgerald, Earl of Rotherham - father
Madeleine, Countess of Rotherham - mother
Robbie Fitzgerald - brother
Olivia Fitzgerald - sister

Richard Fitzgerald, Lord Surrey - brother
Cordelia, Lady Surrey - sister-in-law
Henry, Madeleine and Mortimer - nephews and niece

Dorothy Greystone - maternal aunt and chaperone in 1811 season

John Fitzgerald - paternal uncle
Emma Fitzgerald - aunt
John, Lucy, Helen, Percy - cousins

Christopher Carlisle - cousin (on the Fitzgerald side)

John Bartram - cousin (on the Freye side)


1787-1804: Early Years

Viola was born at Rotherham in Yorkshire and apart from occasional trips to Harrogate for assemblies and plays and to Southampton in 1803 to allow Olivia to recover from pneumonia, did not leave it until her debut in 1805.

She had a relatively liberal and happy upbringing in a happy household. She got on well with her siblings, particularly her brother Robbie and spent a good deal of time with the Fitzgeralds' close neighbours, Will and Charlie Devenish.

In terms of education, Viola had the advantage of excellent governesses and became an accomplished woman, displaying a particular aptitude for music. She plays the harp superbly, the pianoforte more than competently and has a sweet and well-trained mezzo-soprano voice. She speaks French and Italian fluently and is competent at embroidery though she does not enjoy it. She showed an interest in reading frivolously from a young age and quickly developed a taste for novels, narrative poetry and comic plays. Viola started a tradition of acting plays at Christmas time within the family at the age of eleven and read Tom Jones at the age of fourteen. Her favourite book is Fanny Burney's Cecilia and her favourite play Much Ado About Nothing. Her artistic skill is almost non-existent. She spent a good deal of time outdoors in her youth and is an excellent rider.

In the summer of 1804 Viola became romantically attached to Will Devenish and they started a secret love-affair. She was torn between her growing feelings for Will and her sense of propriety and duty. Though intense at the time the affair was not consummated and faded away after Will returned to school in the autumn. As far as Viola knows it remained secret. In fact, her mother suspected it.

1805-1807: London Seasons

Viola made her debut in London in 1805, chaperoned by her mother. Her unconventional beauty, wit, charm and accomplishments made her an instant hit and she was crowned incomparable of the season. Her only rival was Miss Julia Dancy who went on to marry the Duke of Pennington, himself a rejected suitor of Viola's. Viola quickly found herself surrounded by admirers, none of whom she wished to marry, even though some were eligible. Her motivation was that she intended to marry to improve her situation. Being already wealthy, socially elevated and surrounded by a family she loved, this was a tall order.

Among her suitors was one Geoffrey Stapleton who fell in love with her and was rejected by her, on the grounds that he was not sufficiently rich or well connected. They became great friends however and his proposals and her refusals became a standing joke. He also revealed himself to her as the popular novelist Adam Lane.

Her best friend in her first season was Lady Priscilla Tanaquil, a rather silly girl who worshipped Viola. She married Sir Roland Taylor in 1805 and Viola was made godmother to her son, Harry. Priscilla died in 1807 in childbirth.

As well as Geoffrey, Viola tended to have more male than female friends. In 1807 during her third season, she was surprised to receive a proposal from one of them, Lord Foxford. She had not believed his admiration serious.

1808-1810: Rustication

Viola's cynicism about the marriage mart and the London season in general had grown through her three seasons and she missed her siblings and the freedom of country life. This growing distaste combined with the shock of Lord Foxford's proposal and Priscilla's death made Viola reluctant to return to London the following spring. As she had now had three unsuccessful seasons (at least in terms of contracting a marriage) and Lady Rotherham disliked London herself, little effort was made to persuade her to return.

After three years of little society and less male admiration, Viola was easily persuaded by her aunt Mrs. Greystone to return to London to accompany her sister for her debut.

1811: Current Season

Viola returned to town intending to take a semi-chaperonal capacity. However, she is not very good at relinquishing her limelight and has found herself just as popular as ever and is actually enjoying being the centre of the universe again, though she does feel very much older than most of the other unmarried ladies, both literally and in terms of maturity. For the very first time, she is starting to feel that remaining single is holding her back in society.

Viola at the Brixton Masquerade. Artwork by Aida.

She has renewed her friendships with Mr. Stapleton, Lord Linley, Lord Foxford and Lord Parry in particular. She has also made friends for the first time with a circle of intelligent and well-bred ladies: Lady Louth, Lady Rosalind Fairmont and Miss Staunton.

Among Viola's new acquaintances are the Pritchard family, although she had met the Dowager Marchioness of Emerson previously at the 1805 Emerson House Party. Viola took an instant and mutual dislike to the current Marquess, Blake Pritchard who behaved very rudely towards her on several occasions. Their antagonism came to a head on the 11th April (Maundy Thursday!) when Mr. Hopkins-Lawrence, a fop and Viola's latest suitor, challenged Lord Emerson to a duel over his behaviour towards Viola. Fortunately Mr. Stapleton was able to prevent it from taking place, but it created a scandal and cemented Viola's dislike. However, they do have distinct sexual chemistry which Viola is unable to ignore. At the Emerson Ball on the 14th April, the Marquess apologised to Viola and has since then been behaving much more civilly.

Viola's first social event of the season was a musical soiree on the 16th April which everyone who was anyone attended. A buffet supper was served and the roast beef was exceptionally popular. She attended the Brixton House Party that weekend with rather dramatic consequences for her relationship with Lord Emerson. First, she sang a duet with him and ended up on the terrace in his company. Then she went riding with him and her sister, though Olivia's horse went lame and she spent most of the time tete-a-tete with the marquess, which left her in a flurry of confusion. Finally, things came to a head at the Masquerade, which she attended as a seductive sultana. She drank a considerable amount of wine, flirted heavily with a disguised Lord William Gosling and ended up yet again in close proximity with Lord Emerson. Following these events, she returned to London determined to behave with propriety and sort out her feelings for him once and for all. So far she has failed spectacularly at this latter resolution.

Since returning from Brixton, Viola has tried to moderate her behaviour more, growing concerned as she has found herself several times giving the wrong impression to Lord William at Miss Beacham's evening of party games and Lord Wyck's rout, even while her attraction towards Lord Emerson grows. However, once news reaches her of her brother Robbie's injury in the Peninsula, things really start to go downhill for Viola. First her brother arrives back in London with a leg injury, staying with their parents at Rotherham House, but then Mrs. Greystone overhears some gossip about Viola and Geoffrey and believes her reputation is at stake and forbids them from meeting each other again. Lady Rotherham takes a more sanguine view of the affair but still feels that this close friendship is a bad thing. She offers Viola and Geoffrey the choice of either seeing a lot more of each other or a lot less.

In the week following this confrontation, Viola comes to realise that her feelings for Geoffrey are stronger than she previously suspected. However, she is confused about precisely what she wants since a marriage to Geoffrey seems out of the question both because of his own apparent indifference to her and because it threatens her social status. She has been considering the idea of getting a house in Richmond with her brother and not marrying at all but this virtuous yet dramatic resolution has come into conflict with the increased attentions of Lord Emerson.



Sir William Devenish: Viola and Will were best friends in childhood. This blossomed into romance and then subsided back into friendship, though it was never quite as strong.

Charlie Devenish: Viola treats Charlie as an extra younger brother, which gives her the excuse to tease him and boss him about. Fortunately he doesn't seem to mind or at least does nothing to stop her. She is genuinely fond of him though.

Geoffrey Stapleton: Viola met Geoffrey in her first season making him one of her oldest friends and probably the person she most cares about after her family and Will and Charlie. This has not stopped her from repeatedly rejecting his offers of marriage.

Henry Layton, Lord Parry: Another close friend. Viola and Henry have a similar outlook and consequently get along very well. Henry's complete lack of romantic interest in her (so far) has moreover been refreshing.

Arthur Dalrymple, Lord Linley: Another friend from Viola's first season. Viola likes him very much as a social friend but they have not been in each other's confidence.

Tristan Edgeworth, Lord Latimer: Viola has known Tristan from childhood and has always considered him a good friend.

Lady Cassandra Edgeworth: Same as Tristan. Cassandra is closer to Olivia so Viola has always looked on her as a slightly younger cousin.

Frederick Lazenby: The son of a friend of her father's, Frederick has been a friend of Robert's for quite a long time.

Sophia Lazenby: Viola knows Miss Lazenby a little from the connection of their parents and finds her a pleasant young woman.

Marcus Fairmont, Lord Foxford: Viola and Marcus always got on well and Viola feared that he might hold a grudge after she refused him. Fortunately this has not proved to be the case.

Lady Rosalind Fairmont: Viola only met Rosalind in the 1811 season and doesn't know her very well but is inclined to approve of her, apart from her apparent involvement with Lord Emerson.

Georgiana Haworth, Lady Louth: Viola has only met Georgiana a few times but instinctively likes and trusts her. She hopes they will become better acquainted.

Felicity Staunton: Viola hardly knows Felicity, having only met her at Lady Rosalind's picnic but likes what she has seen so far.

Lady Priscilla Taylor (deceased): Viola's best female friend in her first season, Priscilla was more of an adoring entourage than a true friend but Viola did remain fond of her and was very upset at her death. She is godmother to her son.

Lord Gabriel Pritchard: Rosalind instantly liked Gabriel and while an initial attraction didn't last, she enjoys his company, though she finds his immaturity somewhat annoying.


Viola is one of the most proposed to ladies in town. The following men have definitely asked her to marry them:

Sir William Devenish (1804)

The Duke of Pennington (1805)

Geoffrey Stapleton (on more than one occasion 1805-1811)

Lord Foxford (1807)

Francis Fopkins Hopkins-Lawrence (1811)

It is speculated that there were many more!


Sir William Devenish: Viola's first love and first (and only) kiss. The relationship was intense while it lasted, but they are now back to being good friends (though not quite as good as they were).

Lord Emerson: Since meeting Lord Emerson in the 1811 season, Viola's feelings towards him have ricoched between resentment and dislike for his careless manners and physical attraction. Since the Brixton House Party, however, his behaviour has been much more consistent and he appears to be considering courting her. It is becoming harder and harder to resist him, though she has not forgotten the initial impression he made on her.

Lord William Gosling: Viola never considered Lord William romantically until they met in disguise at the Brixton masquerade and sparks flew. Since then she has become aware of an annoying attraction to him. She cannot imagine where it might go and rather hopes - nowhere.

Geoffrey Stapleton: During the 1811 season, encouraged by her aunt's disapproval of it, Viola finds her feelings towards her oldest friend begin to change...


One does not get to be this popular without making a few enemies.

Julia, Duchess of Pennington: As Miss Dancy, Julia was Viola's rival for position of Incomparable in 1805 and then married a rejected suitor of Viola's. Neither has forgiven the other.

Thomas Sterne: Thomas seems to like Viola but his reputation precedes him and Viola is very suspicious of his interest.

Harriet Fforde: Miss Fforde was never a threat to Viola, except musically but since her broken engagement to Lord Linley, she's been someone Viola's tried to avoid so that she doesn't have to take sides.

Aaron Abdullah: Viola is suspicious of his interest in Olivia.

Thread Tracking

Monday 8th April

  • A midday walk with a purpose[1]: Viola meets David Boyd
  • Morning Calls[2]: Meeting the Pritchards
  • Supper Time[3]: Supper with her aunt

The Theatre Royal

  • Hold Hands with Temptation[4]: At the theatre, with Geoffrey
  • Viola's box[5]
  • Intermission[6]: With the Haworths

Tuesday 9th April

  • Dodging the showers[7]: Riding with Gabriel, Elise and Francis
  • Afternoon[8]: Viola buys Sense and Sensibility

Wednesday 10th April

  • Morning Calls[9]: With Georgiana, Geoffrey and others


  • Mrs. Greystone's party arrives[10]: With Julia and Gabriel
  • She wonders...?[11]: With Gabriel, Charity, Arthur, Georgiana and Clarence
  • First dance - public opinions[12]: With Arthur
  • Hit and miss - third dance[13]: With Thomas
  • Twirling the fourth set[14]: With Gabriel and Blake
  • The Prince's snuffbox, 5th dance[15]: With Tristan
  • Yon town, 6th dance[16]: With Francis
  • Out of place, 8th dance[17]: With Edouard
  • Every savage can dance, 10th dance[18]: With Blake
  • The clock struck twelve, 13th dance[19]: With Marcus and Rosie

Thursday 11th April

  • Roses say I'm sorry; candies say I love you; tulips...?[20]: Flowers from Gabriel
  • A splash of purple[21]: Flowers from Marcus
  • Morning after the night before[22]: Morning calls with Thomas and Francis
  • Picnic party in the park[23]: Rosalind's picnic
  • New acquaintances[24]: The picnic, mainly with Rosie and Felicity
  • A Surfeit of Suitors[25]: The aborted duel between Blake and Francis with Geoffrey
  • Louth House[26]: Call on Georgiana after the aborted duel

Sunday 14th April (Easter Sunday)

  • St. George's, Hanover Square: Easter Sunday[27]
  • After the Service[28]: With Henry and Will Gosling outside church

The Emerson Ball

  • A Night to Remember[29]: Arrival at the ball
  • Blast from the past[30]: With Arthur and others
  • Caledonian Laddie[31]: With Alexander Trevethyn
  • Her Sequined Gown[32]: With Henry and Charity
  • Gossip Girls[33]: With Rosie
  • Flower Garden (5th dance)[34]: With Thomas
  • After the Eighth Dance[35]: Introducing Olivia and Geoffrey
  • Dropping Eaves[36]: In Blake's study

Monday 15th April

  • Flowers for Lady Viola and Lady Olivia[37]: From Thomas
  • Flowers for the Fitzgeralds[38]: From Tristan
  • Flowers for Viola & Olivia[39]: From Marcus

Tuesday 16th April

  • Musical prelude[40]: Preparing for the soiree
  • Breathing Space[41]: Riding with Arthur

Musical Soiree

  • Performances Thread[42]
  • Dinner thread - Rosalind[43]: With Blake, Gabriel, Geoffrey and Rosalind

Wednesday 17th April

  • The Proposal[44]: Francis proposes
  • "I may be right, I may be wrong but I'm perfectly willing to swear..."[45]: With Olivia after the proposal

Friday 19th April (Brixton)

  • Trump cards & carriage bumps[46]: The Fitzgeralds arrive and immediately meet the Pritchards
  • Kith, Kin & Kit[47]: Henry and Viola meet Viola's cousin, Kit
  • The Sound of Music[48]: Singing round the piano with Blake, Charity and Henry

Saturday 20th April (Brixton)

  • Le désaccord équestre[49]: Meeting Julia in the stables before riding with Blake and Olivia
  • Misery Likes Company[50]: Viola drinks too much at the masquerade and flirts with Will Gosling then Blake

Monday 22cd April

  • High Society in Hyde Park[51]: Meeting Arthur and Geoffrey

Beaumont Soiree

  • Blind Man's Bluff Seated[52]: Playing with Will Gosling and Thomas
  • Then let us be observers[53]: With Demelza
  • Your English Style[54]: With Victor

Tuesday 23rd April

  • Returning a Call[55]: Georgiana calls

Wednesday 24th April

  • Canticum Novum[56]: With Blake in the music shop


  • A New Complexion[57]: Viola and Olivia meet the Moroccan ambassador
  • Familiar Faces[58]: With Fred, Sophia and Marcus
  • Cause for Concern[59]: Dance with Fred

Thursday 25th April

  • Salon[60]: Georgiana's literary salon

Friday 26th April

  • An Unexpected Visitor[61]: Will Devenish arrives unexpectedly in London
  • Frivolity's the Thing[62]: Trip to the opera with Georgiana, Clarence and Arthur

Saturday 27th April

  • Diamonds are Trumps[63]: With Rosie at the Pendleston Masquerade
  • The Princess and the Watchman[64]: With Geoffrey at the Pendleston Masquerade

Sunday 28th April

  • Always window shopping, never stopping to buy[65]: At the charity event with Olivia and Georgiana, getting the news about Robbie

Monday 29th April

  • Polite conversation is rarely either[66]: Viola and Mrs. Greystone call on the Fairmonts and discover Lady Penelope

Tuesday 30th April

  • A Many Years Ago[67]: Sir Roland Taylor calls

Wednesday 1st May

  • The Scars of Battle[68]: With Olivia and Robbie at Rotherham House
  • Twelfth Night Revels[69]: Confronting Aaron Abdullah at Vauxhall
  • The Art of Forgetting[70]: With Geoffrey and Lord William at Vauxhall
  • The Seeds of Change[71]: Aunt Dorothy gives Viola an ultimatum

Thursday 2cd May

  • Recovery over Ice-cream[72]: Meeting Lady Fletstone at Gunter's

Saturday 4th May

  • Call [on] Me Maybe[73]: Lady Rosalind calls

Sunday 5th May

  • The Mother, the Men, and the Maiden[74]: Geoffrey and Viola meet at Rotherham House
  • The Aftermath[75]: After Geoffrey has left, Viola talks to Robbie

Henry's Party

  • Ladies Who Refuse Men[76]: With Felicity
  • If there was a prize for rotten judgement[77]: With Blake

Monday 6th May

  • Shh! I'm in the library[78]: Meeting Gerry Stapleton in the library
  • A little learning never hurt[79]: Viola joins Blake and Olivia outside the library

Tuesday 7th May

  • A Badly Timed Call[80]: Sophia calls on her and Olivia
  • We all scream for ice-cream[81]: With Rosie, Felicity and Georgie at Gunter's
  • La Donna è Mobile[82]: With Geoffrey at the opera

Wednesday 8th May

  • Sibling Affection[83]: With Robbie and Olivia at Rotherham House


  • Look around, we're all friends here[84]: Dance with Blake at Almack's
  • A pleasure to speak one's mind[85]: Confrontation with Julia at Almack's
  • Time Stands Still in the Country[86]: With Lady Winchcombe at Almack's
  • An evening deliberating is an evening wasted[87]: Meeting Roland Taylor in Almack's
  • Bedroom Secrets[88]: With Olivia after Almack's

Thursday 9th May

  • It's a dangerous business, going out your door[89]: Drive to Richmond with Blake, Elise and Robbie
  • Apple pie is why we have picnics[90]: En route to Richmond with Blake
  • Your joyous laughter is my strength[91]: Picnic in Richmond with Blake, Elise and Robbie
  • A Phaeton Made For Two[92]: Driving back with Blake

Friday 10th May

  • See the town, watch the people[93]: With Olivia, Nathaniel Scarborough and Emily Grey in Town
  • Should Auld Aquaintance Be Forgot[94]: With Olivia and Lord Foxford in the park

Saturday 11th May

  • A Congratulatory Call[95]: Calling on Juliet Landon with Olivia
  • Spinsters United[96]: Meeting Honoria Bartram at the Middleton Ball