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'''Remember: These are ''rumors''.  Some of these rumors are completely true, others are only partially true, while still others completely false.'''
'''Remember: These are ''rumors''.  Some of these rumors are completely true, others are only partially true, while still others completely false.'''

==Annabelle Beacham==
=Current Characters=
Belle's father was an admiral in the navy. He was actually a bit of a war hero, distinguished himself in the American Revolution. (Rated 7)

==Stephen Brydges==
==[[Aaron Abdullah]]==
Stephen probably had his name in the papers off and on, so anyone who bothered to read those sections on naval developments might recognize his name. (Rated 6)
*The real Ambassador Abdullah is still in Morocco. (Rated 2)<br>
*Ambassador Abdullah keeps a harem of women back home in Morocco. (Rated 5)<br>
**(In conjunction with the above) Ambassador Abdullah has more than ten children back home, all from his kept women. (Rated 4)<br>
*Ambassador Abdullah is secretly the son of the Sultan. (Rated 3)<br>
*Ambassador Abdullah is a nobody back home who is trying to make a name for himself abroad. (Rated 6)<br>
*Ambassador Abdullah was a military hero back home and is making a calculated move into politics. (Rated 2) <br>
*Ambassador Abdullah requested this post and fled Morocco to avoid retribution for seducing a sheik's favourite wife. (Rated 4)<br>
**(In conjunction with the above) It was [[Phoebe Layton]]. (Rated 2)
*Ambassador Abdullah requested this post and fled Morocco to avoid retribution for seducing a sheik's favourite wives. (Rated 5)<BR>
**(In conjunction with the above) One of whom was [[Phoebe Layton]]. (Rated 2)
*Ambassador Abdullah and Lord Rotherham are forming some kind of political alliance. (Rated 1, 3 among ball attendees)
*Ambassador Abdullah and Lord Rotherham will never agree on anything. (Rated 1, 5 among parliamentarians)

==Arthur Dalrymple==
==[[Kenward Asquith]]==
The fact that he has a broken engagement is widely known. (Rated 10)<br>
*The newest Marquess of Coniston is in Town to find a wife. (Rated 8)
The circumstances of Arthur's broken engagement are unknown. (Rated 1)<br>
*The Marquess' estates are entailed or his father would have lost them in a single game of cards (Rated 5)
Who broke off the engagement is also a secret. (Rated 1)
*The Marquess is trying to rebuild his family fortune (Rated 5)
*The Marquess is all but penniless (Rated 8)
**The Marquess is not as badly off as most people think (Rated 2)

==Anthony Dunford==
==[[Charles Banbury]]==
Anthony Dunford has a two-year-old son in Jamaica. (Rated 6)<br>
*Charlie has relied on [[Nathaniel Scarborough]]'s connections to forward his naval career. (Rated 3)
(In Conjunction with Above) His name is James (Rated 4)<br>
*Charlie is setting his sights on [[Bee Rosdew|Isabella Rosdew]], both for her natural charms and hopes of her father's patronage. (Rated 2)
(Alternative to Above) His name is George. (Rated 5)<br>
(In Conjunction with Above): Anthony Dunford was married in Jamaica, but his poor wife died of a fever. (Rated 3)<br>
(Alternative to Above): Anthony Dunford was married in Jamaica, but following the deaths of his father and brother, his wife was deemed unsuitable by the duchess and paid a substantial sum to get lost at sea. (Rated 3)

==Elizabeth Dunford==
==[[Peregrine Bexley]]==
Lizzie Dunford was expelled from seminary after taking up with a footman. (Rated 6)<br>
*Sir Peregrine is courting Miss Rosdew, and presented her with a puppy as an expression of his ardent devotion. (Rated 5)
Lizzie Dunford was secretly engaged last summer to Mr. Charles Johnson, of Kent. (Rated 2)
*Sir Peregrine is attempting to woo the Duchess of Beaumont, and had a crate of citrus fruit delivered to Beaumont House as an expression of his ardent devotion (Rated 5)
*Sir Peregrine is waiting patiently for Lady [[Natalie Relmsey]] to make her curtsey, as an expression of his ardent devotion (Rated 5)
*Sir Peregrine is developing a reputation for expressing ardent devotion with inconvenient gifts. (Rated 4)

==Marcus Fairmont==
==[[Stephen Brydges]]==
Marcus raced a lady on horseback through Kensington Gardens (Rated 7). The lady was blonde. (Rated 5). <br>
*Stephen probably had his name in the papers off and on, so anyone who bothered to read those sections on naval developments might recognize his name. (Rated 6)
Marcus still carries a torch for [[Viola Fitzgerald]] (rated 4), for [[Claudia Morton]] (rated 2).<br>
*Stephen and Catherine McAvoy are romantically entangled. (Rated 6)
Marcus' mother Camilla is sick of greiving the loss of her much loved husband and would like to move on with a new lover. (Rated 3)<br>
Marcus would have proposed to Miss Grace Torrington but his best friend Jack O’Donaghue beat him to it and the girl, eager to be married, accepted. (Rated 5)

==Rosalind Fairmont==
==[[Adrian Carey]]==
Rosalind Fairmont is taking her sweet time in finding a husband because no one is good enough compared to the gentleman she loves back home in Ireland. (Rated 5)<br>
*Adrian is a huge disappointment to his father. (Rated 1)
(In Conjunction with Above) He's a handsome stablehand. (Rated 4)<br>
*Adrian has artistic tendencies. (Rated 8)
(Alternative to Above) He's a dashing friend of her deceased father. (Rated 5)<br>
*Adrian has formed a liking for [[Diana Osbourne]]. (Rated 3)
Rosalind's mother Camilla is sick of greiving the loss of her much loved husband and would like to move on with a new lover. (Rated 3)
*Adrian will marry whoever his sister tells him to. (Rated 4)

==Olivia Fitzgerald==
==[[Blanche Carey]]==
Olivia is in love with her country neighbour, [[William Devenish|Sir William Devenish]]. (Rated 1)
*Blanche has turned down numerous suitors. (Rated 10)
<br>Olivia is in love with her country neighbour, [[Charlie Devenish]]. (Rated 4)
*Blanche made and received no calls for a week during her second season. (Rated 2)
*The Careys are richer than Croesus. (Rated 8)
*Blanche is already secretly married. (Rated 5)
*Blanche is the first person in London to view all new fashion plates. (Rated 9)
*Blanche thoroughly dislikes [[Mirabelle Delafield]]. (Rated 7)
*Blanche is being courted by [[Frank Harpole]]. (Rated 5)

==Viola Fitzgerald==
==[[Christopher Carlisle]]==
Reasons for Viola's three year absence from the London season and decision not to marry include: <br>
*Kit's uncle is nouveau riche. And very 'riche' he is. (Rated 9) <br>
She had an affair with [[Geoffrey Stapleton]] (rated 8);<br>
**(In conjunction with the above) Kit stands to inherit ''everything''. (Rated 9) <br>
She has a love child with [[Geoffrey Stapleton]] in the country (rated 4);<br>
*Kit was involved with another man's wife in Bath two years ago. It was serious. (Rated 1) <br>
Her family has lost all its money (rated 7).<br>
*Mr. Carlisle is actually Doctor Carlisle, but his adoptive father - his uncle [[Anthony Ellesmere]] - frowns upon this. (Rated 6) <br>
[[Francis Hopkins-Lawrence]] proposed to Lady Viola Fitzgerald at her musicale. (Rated 7)<br>
She murdered her best friend [[Priscilla Taylor|Lady Priscilla]] (who died in childbirth) because she was in love with Priscilla's husband. (Rated 6)<br>
She was married by proxy in youth to a foreign royal and has been waiting for her husband to return to claim her. (Rated 6)<br>
Viola and [[Julia Hissop|Julia, Duchess of Pennington]] mutually hate each other. (Rated 9)

==Hugo Fotherington==
==[[Eleanor Clare]]==
Hugo may be getting a promotion soon (Rated 8)<br>
*Eleanor is the illegitimate daughter of the late Marquess of Avening and consequently the half-sister of [[Oscar Moncrieff|Lord Avening]] and his sister [[Gwendolyn Moncrieff]]. (Rated 1)
Hugo is home from Spain due to some backfired prank (Rated 7)<br>
*Eleanor is out in society. (Rated 5)
Hugo is hiding from some señorita's family (Rated 4).  
*Eleanor is not out in society. (Rated 5)
*Eleanor is the identity of the "EC" mentioned in the Society News linked to [[Anthony Dunford]]. (Rated 2)

==Rebecca Garrison==
==[[Dorothea Darling]]==
Rebecca is not married because she suffers from some kind of delicate ailment and can never bear children. (Rated 2)
*Dot blacked her brother's eye during an argument (rated 5)
*Dot's husband Lord Flemming is mad keen on science and invention (Rated 9)
**Dot has come to Town to escape her husband's experiments and wacky inventions (rated 9)
**Dot may not have a house to return to by the end of the Season (Rated 6)

==Nicholas Gosling==
==[[Jean-Laurent d'Aubin]]==
Nicholas Gosling has a daughter tucked away in his family estate (Rated 3)<br>
*Jeannot and [[Rawdon Montgomery]], Earl of Alderhan, are carrying on an illicit affair. (Rated 10)
(In Conjunction with Above): Her name is Nichola. (Rated 2)<br>
*Jeannot is actually the son of [[Sophie Montgomery|Lady Eastborough]] (Rated 6)
(Alternative to Above): Her name is Violet. (Rated 2)<br>
Nicholas likes blondes. (Rated 10)

==Cassandra Gosling==
==[[Lunete d'Aubin]]==
Cassandra died of a broken heart when she discovered her husband's mistress. (Rated 3)
*Lunete is actually the daughter of [[Sophie Montgomery|Lady Eastborough]]. (Rated 4)
*Lunete is not quite as well behaved as she appears. (Rated 6)

==William Gosling==
==[[Mirabelle Delafield]]==
William Gosling has an illegitimate son. (Rated 8)<br>
*Mirabelle spends money frivolously on dresses, jewels and knick-knacks. (Rated 10)
William Gosling has an illegitimate son who is currently in Town with his mother. And William doesn't know yet. (Rated 3)<br>
*Mirabelle's husband is confined to his bed with a mystery illness. (Rated 7)
William Gosling is sleeping with two women. Who are both married. And are sisters. (Rated 7)<br>
*Mirabelle is frequently unfaithful to her husband. (Rated 4)
William Gosling is sleeping with the ''very'' newly widowed Lady Eliza Atwood/his landlord's wife Mrs. Kirk/an unknown Marchioness/all of the above (Rated 7)<br>
*Mirabelle is having an affair with:
Lady Pike's young twins are not Lord Pike's, but actually the offsrping of William Gosling. (Rated 6)<br>
**[[Rawdon Montgomery IV]] (Rated 4)
Will Gosling belongs to an exclusive, underground society consisting of nobles from across the country. They practice bizarre rituals and indulge in general debauchery. (Rated 6) <br>
**[[Robbie Fitzgerald]] (Rated 6)
William Gosling ruined Anniemarie Thwaites, the rich little ward of old Lord Locklere, sometime during the week of April 14th. (Rated 5)  

==Julianne Grafton==
==[[Anthony Dunford]]==
Julianne had an affair with a country squire's son. (Rated 5)<br>
*Anthony Dunford was married in Jamaica, but his poor wife died of a fever. (Rated 3)<br>
(In Conjunction With Above) Julianne was ruined by the squire's son. (Rated 3)<br>
**(Alternative to Above): Anthony Dunford was married in Jamaica, but following the deaths of his father and brother, his wife was deemed unsuitable by the duchess and paid a substantial sum to get lost at sea. (Rated 3)
Julianne is the illegitimate daughter of Lady Raulings and a Russian archduke. (Rated 2)<br>
*Anthony Dunford has a two-year-old son in Jamaica. (Rated 6)<br>
Julianne is engaged in a social battle with Lady Juliet Landon (Rated 8).
**(In Conjunction with Above) His name is James (Rated 4)<br>
***(Alternative to Above) His name is George. (Rated 5)<br>

==Benjamin Grove==
==[[Elizabeth Dunford]]==
The Marquess of Pendleston, though a good man, is quite obviously and rapidly losing his mind. (Rated 3)
*Lizzie Dunford was expelled from seminary after taking up with a footman. (Rated 6)<br>
*Lizzie Dunford was secretly engaged last summer to Mr. Charles Johnson, of Kent. (Rated 2)<br>
*Lizzie Dunford has absolutely no intention whatsoever of marrying this Season, despite all her minxlike flirtatious looks. (Rated 7)<br>
*Lizzie Dunford has a crush on Marcus Fairmont. (Rated 4)
*Lizzie <s>Drunkford</s> Dunford cannot hold her alcohol (Rated 5)

==Patrick Grove==
==[[Marcus Fairmont]]==
The Grove family is relying on Patrick to lead them now and that he doesn't really want to. (Rated 5)<br>
*Marcus raced a lady on horseback through Kensington Gardens (Rated 7).
He's come to London with the idea of perhaps finding a wife. (Rated 6)<br>
**The lady was blonde. (Rated 5). <br>
He came to London to escape an entanglement with a friend's sister. (Rated 5)
**The lady was Lizzie Dunford. (Rated 4)<br>
**The lady was Claudia Morton. (Rated 4)<br>
*Marcus still carries a torch for:<br>
**[[Viola Fitzgerald]] (rated 4)<br>
**[[Claudia Morton]] (rated 2).<br>
*Marcus would have proposed to Miss Grace Torrington but his best friend Jack O’Donaghue beat him to it and the girl, eager to be married, accepted. (Rated 5)<br>
*Marcus is happily married with three small children. (Rated 1)<br>
**(Alternative to above) Marcus is not married (happily or otherwise) but he still has three small children. (Rated 1)

==Penelope Grove==
==[[Rosalind Fairmont]]==
Penelope is the author behind several popular novels. (Rated 2)
*Rosalind Fairmont is taking her sweet time in finding a husband because no one is good enough compared to the gentleman she loves back home in Ireland. (Rated 5)<br>
**(In Conjunction with Above) He's a handsome stablehand. (Rated 4)<br>
**(Alternative to Above) He's a dashing friend of her deceased father. (Rated 5)<br>

==George Hackett==
==[[Robbie Fitzgerald]]==
George Hackett has come to London to look for a wife. (Rated 10)
*Robbie Fitzgerald has returned home due to a wound received in action while at war Spain. (Rated 7)
<BR>George's father is dying. (Rated 8)
**(Alternative to above) It was not a wound but an injury and it was not in action but while on patrol. (Rated 2)
<BR>George got entangled with a woman whilst in Italy. (Rated 4)
*Robbie Fitzgerald has been forced to resign his commission because of his injury. (Rated 4)
<br>George is having an affair with a married lady. (Rated 1)  
*Robbie Fitzgerald has a thing for Shakespeare. (Rated 4)
**Shakespeare is code for Bee Rosdew.

==Georgiana Haworth==
==[[Nicholas Gosling]]==
Georgiana is pregnant. (Currently rated 2)
*Nicholas Gosling has a daughter tucked away in his family estate (Rated 3)<br>
**(In Conjunction with Above): Her name is Nichola. (Rated 2)<br>
**(Alternative to Above): Her name is Violet. (Rated 2)<br>
**Violet/Nichola is mad. (Rated 2)<br>
**As is her mother Cassandra. (Rated 2)<br>
*Nicholas likes blondes. (Rated 10) <br>
*Nicholas Gosling has a beautiful, 17 year old, obscenely wealthy female ward, that he keeps tucked away in the remote country for fear that she'll be preyed upon by the Ton's mercenary. Or [[William Gosling|Will]]. (Rated 2)
===[[Cassandra Gosling]]===
*Cassandra died of a broken heart when she discovered her husband's mistress. (Rated 3)<br>
*Cassandra didn't actually die; she went mad and is locked away at Hopetoun. (Rated 3)<br>
*Cassandra ''and'' her child didn't die, but ''both'' are mad and locked away at Hopetoun. (Rated 2)

==Julia Hissop==
==[[William Gosling]]==
Julia accepted the Duke of Pennington's offer of marriage mere weeks after he was rejected by her society rival, [[Viola Fitzgerald|Lady Viola Fitzgerald]]. (Rated 8)
*William Gosling has an illegitimate son. (Rated 8)<br>
**William Gosling has multiple illegitimate sons (Rated 6)
**His illegitimate son is currently in Town with his mother. (Rated 3)<br>
***William doesn't know yet. (Rated 3)<br>
***William does know; he just doesn't care. (Rated 3)<br>
*William Gosling is sleeping with:<br>
**Two women. (Rated 7)<br>
***Who are both married. (Rated 6)<br>
***And are sisters. (Rated 6)<br>
**The ''very'' newly widowed Lady Eliza Atwood (Rated 9)<br>
**His landlord's wife Mrs. Kirk (Rated 5)<br>
**An unknown Marchioness (Rated 8)<br>
**Katharine Steele (Rated 3)<br>
**All of Lord Raulings' redheaded granddaughters. (Rated 2)
**All of the above (Rated 7)<br>
*Lady Pike's young twins are not Lord Pike's, but actually the offspring of William Gosling. (Rated 6)<br>
*Will Gosling belongs to an exclusive, underground society consisting of nobles from across the country. They practice bizarre rituals and indulge in general debauchery. (Rated 6) <br>
*William Gosling ruined Anniemarie Thwaites, the rich little ward of old Lord Locklere, sometime during the week of April 14th. (Rated 5)<br>
*William Gosling enjoys toying with young ladies' hearts. (Rated 10)<br>
**(In conjunction with above) One of those ladies is Annabelle Beacham. (Rated 1)<br>
**(Alternative to above) One of those ladies is Julianne Grafton. (Rated 1)<br>
**(Alternative to above) One of those ladies is Katharine Steele. (Rated 3)
**(Alternative to above) One of those ladies is Jemima Palmer. (Rated 1)

==Victor Kincaide==
==[[Julianne Grafton]]==
It's no real secret that Victor is on the lookout for a bride. (Rated 9)
*Julianne had an affair with a country squire's son. (Rated 5)<br>
**(In Conjunction With Above) Julianne was ruined by the squire's son. (Rated 3)<br>
**(In Conjunction With Above) Julianne and Lady Elizabeth feud because Lizzie also carried a torch for the very same squire's son. (Rated 3)<br>
*Julianne is the illegitimate daughter of Lady Raulings and a Russian archduke. (Rated 2)<br>
**Julianne's half brother is Victor Kincaide. (Rated 1)<br>
*Julianne is engaged in a social battle with Lady Juliet Landon. (Rated 8)<br>
*Julianne Grafton is only friends with blonde girls. (Rated 7)<br>
**(In Conjunction With Above): Julianne tried to get her sister to color her hair for her debut so Julianne would stand out more. (Rated 5)
*Julianne started the rumor about Juliet Landon ''having'' to marry Damien Relmsey. (Rated 5)
*Julianne is trying to break up Robert Vickery and Elise Hampton.

==Juliet Landon==
==[[Elise Hampton]]==
Lady Juliet Landon has formed an army of debutante warriors to fight against Lady Julianne Grafton in the battle for the title incomparable. (New recruits welcome) (Rated 7)
*After having been seen enjoying the company of the Duke of Claitonborough, the Duke of Leighton and Lord Daniel Rossington, it is to be supposed that Elise is setting her sights on a Duchess' coronet and isn't picky about which. (Rated 6)<BR>
*Elise is the illegitimate daughter of the late Marquess of Emerson. (Rated 4)<BR>
*Elise has no fortune to speak of whatsoever. (Rated 3)
*Elise has an understanding with [[Robert Vickery]]. (Rated 6)
*Elise broke [[Jeremy Rondell]]'s heart. (Rated 7)

==Henry Layton (deceased)==
==[[Julia Hissop]]==
The [[Henry Layton I|first Lord Parry]] was murdered. (Rated 4)
*Julia accepted the Duke of Pennington's offer of marriage mere weeks after he was rejected by her society rival, [[Viola Fitzgerald|Lady Viola Fitzgerald]]. (Rated 8)<br>
<br>The first Lord Parry is still alive. (Rated 3)
*Julia cannot bear children. (Rated 1)
<br>The first Lord Parry worked as a spy against the French. (Rated 2)
<br>The first Lord Parry worked as a spy for the French. (Rated 2)
<br>The first Lord Parry had an affair with [[Winifred Verlaine-Pritchard|Lady Emerson]]. Who is French. (Rated 3)

==Henry Layton==
==[[Benjamin Hutchinson]]==
Henry enjoys reading philosophy. (Rated 9)
*Ben is in extremely frail health and has brought his sister to London in hopes of seeing her well-married before he himself pops his clogs. (Rated 7 after his tumble into the Serpentine)<br>
<br>Henry is a spy. (Rated 2)
*Invalids of a feather seem to flock together, for Ben has lost his heart to [[Imogen Rathbone]]. (Rated 3)<br>
<br>Henry has sung professionally on the stage. (Rated 5)
**(In Conjunction with Above) Bookies are now accepting bets on which of the pair will die first. (Rated 3)
<br>Henry is in love with [[Charity Pritchard]]. (Rated 4)
<br>Henry is in love with [[Viola Fitzgerald]]. (Rated 5)
<br>Henry is in love with Henry. (Rated 10)

==Phoebe Layton==
==[[Susannah Hutchinson]]==
Lady Phoebe converted to Catholicism and resides happily in a convent in Bavaria. (Rated 8)
*Sukey has set her cap at [[George Hackett]], Lord Selwyn. (Rated 6)<br>
<br>Lady Phoebe lost her character in her first season and keeps a faro-bank in Edinburgh with her widowed sister, [[Catherine McAvoy|Lady Kirkfries]]. (Rated 7)
*Sukey and Ben's Serpentine incident was the result of Sukey trying to communicate with a duck. (Rated 5)
<br>Lady Phoebe is locked up in [[Crantock Abbey]] by her evil great-uncle the [[Archibald Layton|Marquess of Crantock]] where she is forced to eat rats. Her brother visits her once a year. (Rated 6)
<br>Lady Phoebe was won off her brother in a card game by a dashing Italian Count. She is locked up in his castle in the Appenines. (Rated 4)
<br>Lady Phoebe is a French spy. (Rated 4)
<br> Lady Phoebe was kidnapped by pirates and sold to a sultan as his fortieth wife. (Rated 2)

==Jane Middleton==
==[[Victor Kincaide]]==
The former Lord Essex, Henry Sterne, sold his daughter to a merchant in exchange for his debts, and then the shame made him commit suicide. (Rated 5)
*It's no real secret that Victor is on the lookout for a bride. (Rated 9)<br>
*Victor is a Russian noble sent to integrate into London Society until his services are needed. (Rated 1)<br>
**(In Conjunction with Above): His services have been deemed required by Miss Pamela Longstaffe. (Rated 2)<br>
**Victor's half sister is Julianne Grafton. (Rated 2)<br>
**Victor's half sister is Oksana 'Olivia' Fitzgerald. (Rated 2)
*Victor has lately been seen in the company of Sophia Lazenby. (Rated 6)

==Claudia Morton==
==[[Frederick Lazenby]]==
*The Lazenbys are strong swimmers. (Rated 1)
*Freddy knows his way around a rowboat. (Rated 1)
*Fred & Sophia have a disowned brother. (Rated 3)
*Fred has adopted said brother's illegitimate child. (Rated 3)
*Said child is actually his own. (Rated 3)
*Fred likes blondes. (Rated 5)
*Fred rarely plays cards because of a gambling addiction. (Rated 4)
*Fred rarely plays cards because he is a card genius and it wouldn't be fair to his opponents. (Rated 4)

==Oscar Moncrieff==
==[[Sophia Lazenby]]==
Lord Avening has a bride in Asia, the daughter of a Mongolian chieftain, whom he has left behind but is in correspondence with. (Rated 5)
*The Lazenbys are strong swimmers. (Rated 1)
*Fred & Sophia have a disowned brother. (Rated 3)
*Sophia knows where he is. (Rated 1)
*Sophia is out to marry herself and her brother off this Season. (Rated 4)
*Sophia has often been seen with Victor Kincaide recently. (Rated 5)
*Sophia practises dark magic to make herself more popular with gentlemen. (Rated 3)

==Daniel Rossington==
==[[Rawdon Montgomery|Rawdon 'Monty' Montgomery]]==
Lord Daniel Rossington's sudden absence from England last season had nothing to do with his desire to tour the continent, but instead over heartbreak. (Rated 8)<br>
*Monty and the Vicomte d'Aubin, Jean-Laurent d'Aubin are carrying on an illicit affair. (Rated 10)
His sister-in-law, the Duchess of Welby, died just before his departure (Rated 10).<br>
*Monty got into a naked fistfight with a disgruntled husband on a balcony at midnight in Greece (Rated 3)
Lord Daniel Rossington has at least one illegitimate child running around Europe. (Rated 6).<br>
*Monty is having an affair with:
(In Conjunction With Above) The boy has been rumoured to live either in Germany, Italy and France. (Rated 5).<br>
**[[Mirabelle Delafield|The Marchioness of Hollomere]] (Rated 4)
(In Conjunction With Above) His name changes between Matthew and Richard. (Rated 5).
**[[Alethea Tessington|The Viscountess Tessington]] (Rated 4)
**Mr. [[Yves Armistead]] (Rated 1)
**Mrs [[Lydia Armstrong]] (Rated 2)
**Mrs. [[Frederica Haverleigh]] (Rated 5)

==Walter Roydon==
==[[Drusilla Mortemain]]==
Though there have been rumours of duels, no one can produce bodies or injuries to account for Walter's having fought anyone on any account. (Rated 8)<br>
*Drusilla is the illegitimate half sister of [[Emma Vickery]]. (Rated 3)
Walter Roydon has various illegitimate children.  Estimates range between 3 and 30. (Rated 10)<br>
*Drusilla is awkward and uncomfortable in London society. (Rated 2)
(In Conjunction with Above): One of them is [[William Gosling]].

==Geoffrey Stapleton==
==[[Arthur Osgood]]==
Geoffrey has a private income. (Rated 7)
<br>Geoffrey is the real identity of popular novelist Adam Lane. (Rated 1)
<br>Geoffrey has a peculiar skin disease that means he rarely removes his gloves. (Rated 3)
<br>Geoffrey is in love with [[Viola Fitzgerald]] (rated 9); had an affair with her (rated 8); has married her in secret (rated 3); has a love child with her (rated 4).

==Felicity Staunton==
==[[Felicity Osgood]]==
Felicity has no fortune to speak of. (Rated 7)
Felicity is always snappy at [[Marcus Fairmont]] because she is secretly in love with him (Rated 3)

==Katharine Steele==
==[[George Osgood]]==
Katharine Steele is back in town not only for her sister's debut but also for a new husband herself. (Rated 6)<br>
Katharine Steele is back in town not only for her sister's debut but also to take a lover. (Rated 6)
<br>Katherine Steele has certain talents that would drive many men out of their wits. ;) (Rated 1 in polite society; closer to 4 or 5 in less genteel company.)

==Thomas Sterne==
==[[Harriet Osgood]]==
Captain Sterne has killed a man in a duel. (Rated 8)<br>
Thomas' brother Richard is a very mysterious and reclusive man who spends most of his time traveling to exotic locations. (Rated 8)<br>
(Alternative to Above): In one of his trips, Lord Essex contracted an unknown disease which has rendered him quite mad. (Rated 6)

==James Tibbord==
==[[Henry Osgood]]==
Old Mr. Tibbord was murdered because he threatened to expose a competitor's involvement in a smuggling ring. (Rated 5)

==Charlotte Tolson==
==[[Blake Pritchard]]==
Miss Charlotte Tolson has been romantically linked to much of English society in India (receiving at least 3 proposals!), and has also been linked to members outside of Anglo-Indian society. (Rated 7)
*Blake ruined a debutante named Evangeline Listern, then refused to married her. She was forced to move to America to cover up her shame. (Rated 2)<br>
*Blake is desperately in love with [[Viola Fitzgerald]]. (Rated 6)<br>
**(In Conjunction With Above) Viola won't have him because she is in love with his brother. (Rated 3)<br>
**(In Conjunction With Above) He has proposed marriage to Viola and been refused. (Rated 2)<br>
**(In Conjunction With Above) He has proposed marriage to Viola and been accepted. (Rated 10)<br>
*Blake plays the violin. (Rated 2)

==Edward Tolson==
==[[Charity Pritchard]]==
Mr. Edward Tolson had once considered abandoning his title and wealth to join the East India Company as a soldier, but as the only son of the current Baron Middleton, had been forcefully coerced out of such a path. (Rated 7)
*Charity turned up to her coming out ball in a negligee. She was then forced to change it but not before most of the guests had got a fair impression of her assets. (Rated 8)<BR>
*Charity is in love:
**With [[Victor Kincaide]]. (Rated 2)<br>
**With Henry Layton. (Rated 4)<br>
**With [[Thomas Sterne]]. (Rated 1)

==Louisa Westcott==
==[[Gabriel Pritchard]]==
Louisa has a background in trade. (Rated 6)
*The real Gabriel Pritchard is dead. (Rated 1)

==Helena Wriothesley==
==[[Natalie Relmsey]]==
Croquembouche is the sole descendant of Marie Antoinette's favourite King Charles Spaniel. (Rated 2)
*Lady Natalie opened the dancing at the [[Haverleigh Party]] with her [[Frederica Haverleigh|hostess]]' unmarried [[Peregrine Bexley|brother]] (Rated 6)
*Lady Natalie has been corresponding with a ''bachelor''. (Rated 2)
**All they talk about is citrus fruit. (Rated 1)
*Lady Natalie's sense of fashion is highly suspect. (Rated 4)
==[[Bee Rosdew|Isabella Rosdew]]==
*Miss Rosdew's grandfather was a pirate. (Rated 4)
*Miss Rosdew's mother passed on a secret recipe to increase the size of a lady's chest. (Rated 2)
**Miss Rosdew accidentally doubled the recipe. (Rated 2)
**Miss Rosdew's chest is padded with cotton, to improve her chances of attracting a suitor. (Rated 4)
*Miss Rosdew is being courted by Sir Peregrine, who presented her with a puppy as an expression of his ardent devotion. (Rated 4)
*Miss Rosdew has nine boyfriends and a silver curricle (Rated 10)
**This was presented to her to her by the Tsar of Russia.
==[[Nathaniel Scarborough]]==
*The Scarboroughs may live in Devon but they were originally from... Scarborough. (Rated 3)<br>
*Nathaniel has a secret he is not telling anyone. (Rated 6)<br>
*Nathaniel has just discovered that he is heir to a Royal Dukedom and is not quite sure how to deal with the change in his situation. (Rated 2)<br>
*Nathaniel was dismissed from the navy for mysterious misdeeds. (Rated 3)<br>
*Nathaniel was wounded in battle and forced to resign his commission. (Rated 7)<br>
*Nathaniel has his eye on
**[[Felicity Staunton]]. (Rated 4)<br>
**[[Imogen Rathbone]]. (Rated 3)<br>
**[[Katharine Steele]]. (Rated 5)<br>
**[[Rosalind Fairmont]]. (Rated 3)<br>
**[[Matilda Grenfell]]. (Rated 4)<br>
**[[Emily Grey]]. (Rated 4)
*Nathaniel is something of a flirt. (Rated 8)
*Nathaniel keeps a mistress in the city, and he sometimes spends the night. (Rated 1, 3 among servants)
*The Bathurst House is actually a gateway to the spirit world. Sometimes during the night people can hear lost spirits roaming the halls and rooms, searching for their way home or looking for ''someone'' to mess with. (Rated 1)
*Nathaniel got into a fight and came to church on Sunday with a black eye (rated 10)
**The fight was with his sister Lady Flemming (rated 5)
==[[Katharine Steele]]==
*Katharine Steele is back in town not only for her sister's debut but also for a new husband herself. (Rated 6)<br>
*Katharine Steele is back in town not only for her sister's debut but also to take a lover. (Rated 6)
*Katharine Steele has certain talents that would drive many men out of their wits. (Rated 1 in polite society; closer to 4 or 5 in less genteel company.)<br>
*Katharine Steele is making friends in all the wrong places. (Rated 4)
**One of these friends is William Gosling. (Rated 4)
*Katharine Steele is now having a torrid affair with William Gosling (Rated 6)
*Katharine Steele is dangling after Nathaniel Scarborough. (Rated 4)
==[[James Tibbord]]==
*Old Mr. Tibbord was murdered because he threatened to expose a competitor's involvement in a smuggling ring. (Rated 5)
==[[Mary Tibbord]]==
*Polly was dismissed from her last post because she had plotted to run away to Gretna Green with the eldest son of the family. (Rated 7)
*There is something very strange about Polly's relationship with her employers, the Hutchinsons, who hired her despite her lack of good references.  (Rated 4)
==[[Phillip Vaudrey]]==
*Sir Phillip has an idiot son in the country. (Rated 3)<br>
**(Alternate to above)  Sir Phillip had a son, but he is dead. (Rated 4)<br>
**As a result, Lady Vaudrey went hopelessly mad. (Rated 6)<br>
**Lady Vaudrey is not dead at all, but locked in an insane asylum. (Rated 5)
***She shares a room with Cassandra Gosling. (Rated 3)
==[[Emma Vickery]]==
*Miss Emma Vickery has had a proposal, and accepted it (Rated 7)<br>
**The engagement came to an end due to the gentleman's death (Rated 5)<br>
**(Alternative to above) The gentleman is still living but has fled abroad due to some undisclosed indiscretion or other (Rated 4)
**(Alternative to above) The gentleman fled abroad rather than meet Emma's brother [[Robert Vickery|Robert]] in a duel (rated 4)
*Miss Vickery has taken on a paid companion, at her parents' insistence (Rated 6)
**The companion, Miss [[Drusilla Mortemain|Mortemain]], is actually an illegitimate half-sister (Rated 3)
==[[Robert Vickery]]==
*Mr Vickery challenged his sister's erstwhile suitor to a duel but the latter fled abroad before the duel could take place (Rated 4)
*Mr Vickery and Miss [[Elise Hampton]] have/are about to come to an understanding... (Rated 6)
*Mr Vickery is engaged to [[Charity Pritchard]]. (Rated 5)
*Mr Vickery is engaged to Elise Hampton. (Rated 7) (9 after Thursday 16th May)
==[[Avreya Voronstova]]==
*Lady Avreya is from Moscow (Rated 4)
*Lady Avreya is from St. Petersburg (Rated 4)
*Lady Avreya is the illegitimate daughter of Countess von Albrecht (Rated 3)
*Lady Avreya's wardrobe is one of the finest in London (Rated 6)
**Lady Avreya's wardrobe is one of the most shocking in London (Rated 4)
*Lady Avreya was jilted by her fiancé (Rated 4)
**Lady Avreya jilted her fiancé (Rated 2)
==[[Daphne Werlington]]==
*The Duchess of Beaumont's admirers include:
**[[Rawdon Montgomery|Lord Alderhan]] (Rated 6)
**[[Aubrey Sayre|Baron Hunstanton]] (Rated 6)
**[[Peregrine Bexley|Sir Peregrine]] (Rated 3)
*The Duchess of Beaumont is expecting again, and her cravings include citrus fruits. (Rated 7)
*The Duchess of Beaumont is to be named the Incomparable of the 1811 Season. (Rated 10)
==[[Ira Wilson]]==
*Mr. Wilson is the son of the disgraced Henrietta Ruxburgh (Rated 8)
**Mr. Wilson is the ''illegitimate'' son of the disgraced Henrietta Ruxburgh (Rated 4)
*Mr. Wilson used to be a petty criminal in Manchester (Rated 2)
*Mr. Wilson has paid some marked attention to [[Bee Rosdew|Miss Rosdew]] (Rated 5)
==The [[Katie Winter|Winter]] Family==
*The family made its fortune in trade. (Rated 2)<br>
*The family has no fortune to speak of (Rated 1) <br>
*Augusta Winter tried to smother Katie Winter in her sleep out of jealousy. (Rated 2)
*Augusta Winter is easy (Rated 2)
*Augusta Winter is Society News (Rated 1)
==[[Clementine Worthing]]==
*There has not been a ball at Bathampton since Lady Clementine was sent away to school (Rated 3 in London, 6 in Bath)
*Lady Clementine's mother went...''elsewhere'' to get her longed for heir. (Rated 6 in London, 8 in Bath)
=Former Characters=
==[[Annabelle Beacham]]==
*Belle's father was an admiral in the navy. He was actually a bit of a war hero, distinguished himself in the American Revolution. (Rated 9)<br>
*Belle's Father is actually a pirate and his estate (and her fortune) are made up of is ill-gotten gains. (Rated 7)<br>
*Belle has attracted the attention of well known womaniser, [[William Gosling]]. Someone needs to sort her out before she ruins herself. (Rated 2)<br>
**Something has already happened (at Brixton!) between Belle and [[William Gosling]]. (Rated 1)<br>
*Belle has attracted the attention of the other Gosling brother, the [[Nicholas Gosling|Duke of Leighton]]. Someone needs to sort her out to make sure she makes the match. (Rated 6)
==[[Emma DeLancey]]==
*Emma has no fortune at all (Rated 10)<br>
*Emma's father is so controlling that he will not allow her to marry anyone, and would prefer she stay with him forever. (Rated 7)<br>
*Emma is secretly engaged to a Russian nobleman and has been since birth. (Rated 6)<br>
**(In Conjunction with Above): Said nobleman is [[Victor Kincaide]]. (Rated 2)<br>
*Emma and her father's heir, Benedict DeLancey, as certain to be engaged this season. (Rated 7)<br>
**Emma refuses to marry Benedict because she wants to be a nun. (Rated 6)<br>
**Emma refuses to marry Benedict because she has secretly betrothed herself to a landowner from Kent. (Rated 6)<br>
**Benedict refuses to marry Emma for a variety of reasons (ugliness, temper, she's secretly an idiot, etc). (Rated 6)<br>
==[[Adam Faulkner]]==
*Adam Faulkner is the real identity of novelist [[Adam Lane]] (Rated 7)
==[[Olivia Fitzgerald]]==
*Olivia is in love:<br>
**With her country neighbour, [[William Devenish|Sir William Devenish]]. (Rated 1)<br>
**With her country neighbour, [[Charlie Devenish]]. (Rated 4)<br>
*Olivia is not 'Olivia' all but Oksana, the daughter of a friend of Olivia's father and a Russian noble woman. (Rated 1)<br>
**The Russian noblewoman was Victor Kincaide's mother, too.<br>
*Olivia is teaching herself Arabic. (Rated 4)<br>
**(In conjunction with the above) Olivia is in love with [[Aaron Abdullah]]. (Rated 2)<br>
*Olivia is going to marry the Duke of Claitonborough. (Rated 3)
*Olivia has a giant crush on Marcus Fairmont and cried herself to sleep at night until her elder sister bullied the Marquess into opening her deb ball with her. (Rated 5)
==[[Viola Fitzgerald]]==
*Viola's absence from society for the past three years and decision not to marry is because she had an affair with [[Geoffrey Stapleton]] (rated 8);<br>
**(Alternative to above) She has a love child with [[Geoffrey Stapleton]] in the country (rated 4);<br>
*Viola has been forbidden to speak to Geoffrey by her aunt. (Rated 1)<br>
**This has put a strain on their secret marriage. (Rated 1).<br>
*Viola murdered her best friend [[Priscilla Taylor|Lady Priscilla]] because she was in love with Priscilla's husband. (Rated 6)<br>
*Viola and [[Julia Hissop|Julia, Duchess of Pennington]] mutually hate each other. (Rated 9)<br>
*The Fitzgerald family has lost all its money (rated 7).<br>
**(In conjunction with above) All the money the Fitzgeralds have now was loaned to them from their generous [[Reginald Fitzgerald|Rutland cousins]]. (Rated 1)<br>
*Viola was married by proxy in youth to a foreign royal and has been waiting for her husband to return to claim her. (Rated 6)<br>
*Viola is so desperate to marry this season that she is flinging herself recklessly at [[Blake Pritchard|Lord Emerson]] and even provoked him into challenging [[Francis Hopkins-Lawrence]] to a duel over her on Good Friday. (Rated 7)<br>
**(Alternative to above) It was the other way round: Francis challenged Blake. (Rated 6)<br>
**The duel was only averted after Viola ''persuaded'' both men to leave off. (Rated 2)<br>
*[[Francis Hopkins-Lawrence]] proposed to Lady Viola Fitzgerald at her musicale. (Rated 7)<br>
*Lord and Lady Rotherham have not returned to town because of their [[Robert Fitzgerald|injured son]] but in order to sort out Viola's marriage prospects once and for all. (Rated 7)
* Viola is engaged to or is about to become engaged to Lord Emerson. (Rated 10)
* Viola is thought to have rejected a proposal from [[Dougal|Dougal Fairmont]] because of concerns regarding marrying below her station. (Rated 10)
==[[George Hackett]]==
*George Hackett has come to London to look for a wife. (Rated 10)<BR>
*George's father is dying. (Rated 8)<BR>
*George got entangled with a woman whilst in Italy. (Rated 4)<br>
*George is having an affair with a married lady. (Rated 1)
==[[Frank Harpole]]==
*Frank is in town to find a wife. (Rated 6)
**(In conjunction with above) He has his sights set on [[Rosalind Fairmont]]. (Rated 3)
*Frank was dishonourably discharged from the army. (Rated 2)
*Frank is still in love with [[Catherine McAvoy]]. (Rated 4)
*Frank has no idea how to manage an estate and is completely reliant on his brothers for help. (Rated 5)
==[[Dominic Hissop]]==
*Dominic has been brought in to Town to have his edges smoothed off in preparation for becoming the next Duke of Pennington. (Rated 1)
**This must acknowledge the persistent childless state of the present Duke, hinting that he suspects or has reason to suspect he will remain without a legitimate son. (Rated 1)
***Dominic is the Duke's own bastard son who was shipped to the West Indies years ago. (Rated -5 because Henry was ten years old when Dominic was born, geez you'd have to be thick as mince to believe this one.)
*Dominic has left a mistress of many years and two illegitimate children in Jamaica. (Rated 1)
**He plans to make his bastards his heirs as soon as the duchy is his. (Rated 1)
*Dominic is actually a pirate who killed the real Mr. Hissop en route to England. (Rated 1)
*Dominic doesn't have any tan lines. If you know what I mean. (Rated 1 unless someone asks that poor footman, William.)
==[[Henry Layton]]==
*Henry enjoys reading philosophy. (Rated 9)<br>
*Henry, like his father, is a spy. (Rated 2)<br>
*Henry has sung professionally on the stage. (Rated 5)<br>
*Henry is in love:<br>
**With [[Charity Pritchard]]. (Rated 4)<br>
**With [[Viola Fitzgerald]]. (Rated 5)<br>
**With [[Emma Vickery]]. (Rated 2)<br>
**With Henry. (Rated 10)<BR>
*Henry is taking an interest in [[Aaron Abdullah]]. (Rated 7)
**Because he is waiting for the right moment to murder him in revenge for seducing his sister, [[Phoebe Layton|Phoebe]]. (Rated 2)
===[[Henry Layton I]] (deceased)===
*The [[Henry Layton I|first Lord Parry]] was murdered. (Rated 4)<br>
*The first Lord Parry is still alive. (Rated 3)<br>
*The first Lord Parry worked as a spy against the French. (Rated 2)<br>
*The first Lord Parry worked as a spy for the French. (Rated 2)<br>
*The first Lord Parry had an affair with [[Winifred Verlaine-Pritchard|Lady Emerson]]. Who is French. (Rated 3)
===[[Phoebe Layton]]===
*Lady Phoebe converted to Catholicism and resides happily in a convent in Bavaria. (Rated 8)
*Lady Phoebe lost her character in her first season and keeps a faro-bank in Edinburgh with her widowed sister, [[Catherine McAvoy|Lady Kirkfries]]. (Rated 7)
*Lady Phoebe was won off her brother in a card game by a dashing Italian Count. (Rated 4)
*Lady Phoebe is locked up:
**In [[Crantock Abbey]] by her evil great-uncle the [[Archibald Treville-Layton|Marquess of Crantock]] where she is forced to eat rats. Her brother visits her once a year. (Rated 6)
**In a convent in Bavaria because she lost her character her first season. (Rated 5)
**In her Italian count/husband's castle in the Appenines. (Rated 4)
*Lady Phoebe is a French spy. (Rated 4)
*Lady Phoebe was kidnapped by pirates and sold to a sultan as his fortieth wife. (Rated 2)
**(In conjunction with the above) She then got seduced by [[Aaron Abdullah]]. (Rated 2)
==[[Juliet Landon]]==
*Juliet has formed an army of debutante warriors to fight against Lady Julianne Grafton in the battle for the title incomparable. (New recruits welcome) (Rated 7)<br>
*Juliet is engaged to Damien Relmsey. (Rated 10) <br>
**Juliet ''had'' to get engaged to Damien Relmsey. (Rated 3)<br>
==[[Mallory MacAlpine]]==
*Mr MacAlpine is an illegitimate son of [[Rawdon Montgomery III|Lord Eastborough]] (Rated 4)
==[[Catherine McAvoy]]==
*Catherine poisoned her husband. (Rated 5)<br>
*Catherine smothered her husband. (Rated 5)<br>
*Catherine will make a man out of every young puppy who crosses her path in Edinburgh, especially if they are a red coat. (Rated 8)<br>
*Nobody quite knows what goes on during Catherine's house parties at Kirkfries Castle for good reason. (Rated 6)<br>
*Catherine is a Catholic and a Jacobite. (Rated 3)<br>
*Catherine's high life in Edinburgh is all a cover for the fact that actually she's a bluestocking who writes articles about natural science and philosophy for the Edinburgh Review under a male pseudonym. (Rated 5)<br>
*Catherine has a crush on her cousin, [[Nicholas Gosling|The Duke of Leighton]]. (Rated 1)<br>
*Catherine and Katharine Steele have started a club for widows named [K/C]ath[e/a]rine.  Membership requirements are obvious. (Rated 3).
*Catherine is having an affair with Stephen Brydges. (Rated 2).
*Catherine only returned to London to seduce [[Frank Harpole]]. (Rated 3)
==[[Claudia Morton]]==
*Claudia ignored her chaperone duties in Bath with Regina Rutledge and spent the time being romanced by a young buck. (Rated 8)<br>
*Claudia has raced a certain gentleman on horseback through Kensington Gardens (Rated 6).<br>
**(In conjunction with above) The gentleman was Marcus Fairmont, from whom she waited for a proposal, and with whom she was in love. (Rated 5)<br>
**(Alternative to above) ... with whom she ''is still'' in love. (Rated 2)<br>
*Claudia's marriage with Lord Worth has not been consummated. (Rated 4)<br>
*Claudia has had at least two illegitimate children in secret. (Rated 4)<br>
*Lord Worth has had at least two illegitimate children in secret. (Rated 3)<br>
*Claudia hasn't given birth to an heir due to an inability to conceive. (Rated 1)
==[[Gwendolyn Moncrieff]]==
*Gwen is having an affair with Lord Wyck. (Rated 1)<br>
==[[Oscar Moncrieff]]==
*Lord Avening has a bride in Asia, the daughter of a Mongolian chieftain, whom he has left behind but is in correspondence with. (Rated 5)<br>
*Lord Avening has lost all his money and is forcing his ward, [[Eleanor Clare|Miss Clare]], to marry him next Season. (Rated 3)
==[[Diana Osbourne]]==
*Diana is Welsh. (Rated 9)
*Diana and her brother [[James Osbourne|James]] are actually husband and wife, not brother and sister. (Rated 3)
*Diana is actually a penniless housemaid out to con society. (Rated 4)
*Diana is a long lost relative of [[Sophie Montgomery|Lady Eastborough]]. (Rated 3)
*Diana is a Treville. (Rated 6)
==[[James Osbourne]]==
*James has syphillis. (Rated 2)
*James and his sister [[Diana Osbourne|Diana]] are actually husband and wife, not brother and sister. (Rated 3)
* James is actually a penniless footman out to con society. (Rated 4)
*James is a long lost relative of [[Sophie Montgomery|Lady Eastborough]] (Rated 3)
==[[Jemima Palmer]]==
*Jemima has been living in a French convent for the last few years, due to certain indiscretions. (Rated 2)
**(Alternative to above) Jemima has been in France acting as a companion to an elderly relative. (Rated 8)
***(Addition to above) Said relative is extremely wealthy and has named Jemima as the sole heir to her fortune. (Rated 5)
***(Addition to above) Lady Francesca Palmer started the rumor about the fortune. (Rated 1)
==[[Daniel Rossington]]==
*Lord Daniel Rossington's sudden absence from England last season had nothing to do with his desire to tour the continent, but instead over heartbreak. (Rated 8)<br>
*His sister-in-law, the Duchess of Welby, died just before his departure (Rated 10).<br>
*Lord Daniel Rossington has at least one illegitimate child running around Europe. (Rated 6).<br>
**(In Conjunction With Above) The boy has been rumoured to live either in Germany, Italy and France. (Rated 5).<br>
**(In Conjunction With Above) His name changes between Matthew and Richard. (Rated 5).
==[[Walter Roydon]]==
*Though there have been rumours of duels, no one can produce bodies or injuries to account for Walter's having fought anyone on any account. (Rated 8)<br>
*Walter Roydon has various illegitimate children.  Estimates range between 3 and 30. (Rated 10)<br>
**(In Conjunction with Above): One of them is [[William Gosling]]. (Rated 4)
**One of them is [[Teddy Meredith]]. (Rated 3)
**One of them is [[Mary Harpole]]. (Rated 3)
**One of them is [[Henry Osgood]] (Rated 6)
==[[Geoffrey Stapleton]]==
*Geoffrey has a private income. (Rated 7)
*Geoffrey is the real identity of popular novelist Adam Lane. (Rated 1)
*Geoffrey has a peculiar skin disease that means he rarely removes his gloves. (Rated 3)
*Geoffrey is in love with [[Viola Fitzgerald]]. (Rated 9)
**Had an affair with Viola. (Rated 8)
**Has married Viola in secret. (Rated 3)
**Has a love child with her. (Rated 4)
==[[Felicity Staunton]]==
*Felicity has no fortune to speak of. (Rated 7)<br>
*Felicity is always snappy at [[Marcus Fairmont]] because she is secretly in love with him (Rated 3)<br>
*Felicity has attracted the attention of [[Algernon Culpepper]] and a proposal is expected within the next few weeks. (Rated 9)<br>
**(In conjunction with above): She is excited about becoming a Culpepper. (Rated 10, if you ask [[Algernon Culpepper]])<br>
**(In conjunction with above): She is dreading becoming a Culpepper. (Rated 8, if you ask anyone else)<br>
*Felicity foolishly refused Algernon Culpepper's proposal in Hyde Park. (Rated 10)<br>
*Felicity wisely refused Algernon Culpepper's proposal in Hyde Park. (Rated 10)
==[[Linus Staunton]]==
*Linus has no fortune to speak of. (Rated 6)<br>
*Linus is really only friends with Algernon Culpepper for his money. (Rated 7)<br>
*Linus has taken laudanum for more than medicinal purposes. (Rated 6)<br>
*Linus is a member of the Hellfire Club. (Rated 5)<br>
*Linus was seen in a quite compromising situation with an actress in a shadowy area at Vauxhall recently. (Rated 3)<br>
*Linus has fathered at least 7 children, some which have been disguised as additional Staunton siblings as no one would notice the surplus. (Rated 4)<br>
*Linus has nicked one of Auntie D's stockings and gave it away as part of a card game forfeit. (Rated 3)<br>
==[[Rebecca Garrison|Rebecca Sterne, née Garrison]]==
*Rebecca is not married because she suffers from some kind of delicate ailment and can never bear children. (Rated 2)<br>
*Rebecca is married and has three children. She has abdicated from that dreary life, leaving the children with her sister, and has run away to start fresh with the Groves.<br>
*Rebecca has recently married Thomas Sterne. (Rated 10)<br>
*Rebecca is carrying the child of a military man. (Rated 7)<br>
**(In conjunction with above) That military man is her new husband Thomas Sterne. (Rated 7)<br>
**(Alternative to above) That military man is ''not'' her new husband Thomas Sterne. (Rated 4)
==[[Thomas Sterne]]==
*Captain Sterne has killed a man in a duel. (Rated 8)<br>
*He has sung serenades under Mrs. Quartermaine's window. (Rated 9)<br>
**The captain is in love with Mrs. Quartermaine. (Rated 5)<br>
**The reason why the captain has been seen prowling about Miss Staunton is because he is trying to get closer to his beloved, Demelza. (Rated 3)<br>
*He is participating in a wager on who can seduce a greater quantity of Spanish officers' wives. (Rated 8)<br>
*He has seduced, become engaged to, and broken the latter engagement with a certain baron's daughter after being back in London for less than a week. (Rated 1)<br>
*He is having an affair with [[Selina Clare]]. (Rated 5)<br>
*Thomas is newly married to Rebecca Garrison. (Rated 10)<br>
**This has not affected his relationship with Selina Clare. (Rated 3)
===[[Richard Sterne]]===
*Richard is a very mysterious and reclusive man who spends most of his time traveling to exotic locations. (Rated 8)<br>
**(Alternative to Above): In one of his trips, Lord Essex contracted an unknown disease which has rendered him quite mad. (Rated 6).
==[[Charlotte Tolson]]==
*Miss Charlotte Tolson has been romantically linked to much of English society in India (receiving at least 3 proposals!), and has also been linked to members outside of Anglo-Indian society. (Rated 7) <br>
*Charlotte was the belle of Bombay society. (Rated 5)<br>
*Charlotte is actually secretly engaged to a young gentleman that she met in Bombay. (Rated 3)<br>
**(In Conjunction with Above): But that was India and who really cares about that in London? (Rated 4)<br>
*Charlotte practices Indian pagan sorcery in her London garden (Rated 1)
==[[Edward Tolson]]==
*Mr. Edward Tolson had once considered abandoning his title and wealth to join the East India Company as a soldier, but as the only son of the current Baron Middleton, had been forcefully coerced out of such a path. (Rated 7)<br>
*Edward was so loathe to leave India as he had fallen in love with a native, the daughter of his Amah.
==[[Camilla Fairmont]]==
*Camilla is tired of grieving the loss of her beloved husband and is thinking of taking a lover.  (Rated 3)

Latest revision as of 18:02, 20 April 2019

Currently Circulating Rumors regarding London's elite can be found here (sorted by character's surname). Some rumors are rated on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being known by everyone including the subjects themselves and 1 being known by almost no one, except perhaps the rumor starter himself. Others have no rating and are considered well known. Ratings are flexible and may be edited at will. For additional fun, try mixing and matching characters and rumors.  ;)

Remember: These are rumors. Some of these rumors are completely true, others are only partially true, while still others completely false.

Current Characters

Aaron Abdullah

  • The real Ambassador Abdullah is still in Morocco. (Rated 2)
  • Ambassador Abdullah keeps a harem of women back home in Morocco. (Rated 5)
    • (In conjunction with the above) Ambassador Abdullah has more than ten children back home, all from his kept women. (Rated 4)
  • Ambassador Abdullah is secretly the son of the Sultan. (Rated 3)
  • Ambassador Abdullah is a nobody back home who is trying to make a name for himself abroad. (Rated 6)
  • Ambassador Abdullah was a military hero back home and is making a calculated move into politics. (Rated 2)
  • Ambassador Abdullah requested this post and fled Morocco to avoid retribution for seducing a sheik's favourite wife. (Rated 4)
  • Ambassador Abdullah requested this post and fled Morocco to avoid retribution for seducing a sheik's favourite wives. (Rated 5)
    • (In conjunction with the above) One of whom was Phoebe Layton. (Rated 2)
  • Ambassador Abdullah and Lord Rotherham are forming some kind of political alliance. (Rated 1, 3 among ball attendees)
  • Ambassador Abdullah and Lord Rotherham will never agree on anything. (Rated 1, 5 among parliamentarians)

Kenward Asquith

  • The newest Marquess of Coniston is in Town to find a wife. (Rated 8)
  • The Marquess' estates are entailed or his father would have lost them in a single game of cards (Rated 5)
  • The Marquess is trying to rebuild his family fortune (Rated 5)
  • The Marquess is all but penniless (Rated 8)
    • The Marquess is not as badly off as most people think (Rated 2)

Charles Banbury

  • Charlie has relied on Nathaniel Scarborough's connections to forward his naval career. (Rated 3)
  • Charlie is setting his sights on Isabella Rosdew, both for her natural charms and hopes of her father's patronage. (Rated 2)

Peregrine Bexley

  • Sir Peregrine is courting Miss Rosdew, and presented her with a puppy as an expression of his ardent devotion. (Rated 5)
  • Sir Peregrine is attempting to woo the Duchess of Beaumont, and had a crate of citrus fruit delivered to Beaumont House as an expression of his ardent devotion (Rated 5)
  • Sir Peregrine is waiting patiently for Lady Natalie Relmsey to make her curtsey, as an expression of his ardent devotion (Rated 5)
  • Sir Peregrine is developing a reputation for expressing ardent devotion with inconvenient gifts. (Rated 4)

Stephen Brydges

  • Stephen probably had his name in the papers off and on, so anyone who bothered to read those sections on naval developments might recognize his name. (Rated 6)
  • Stephen and Catherine McAvoy are romantically entangled. (Rated 6)

Adrian Carey

  • Adrian is a huge disappointment to his father. (Rated 1)
  • Adrian has artistic tendencies. (Rated 8)
  • Adrian has formed a liking for Diana Osbourne. (Rated 3)
  • Adrian will marry whoever his sister tells him to. (Rated 4)

Blanche Carey

  • Blanche has turned down numerous suitors. (Rated 10)
  • Blanche made and received no calls for a week during her second season. (Rated 2)
  • The Careys are richer than Croesus. (Rated 8)
  • Blanche is already secretly married. (Rated 5)
  • Blanche is the first person in London to view all new fashion plates. (Rated 9)
  • Blanche thoroughly dislikes Mirabelle Delafield. (Rated 7)
  • Blanche is being courted by Frank Harpole. (Rated 5)

Christopher Carlisle

  • Kit's uncle is nouveau riche. And very 'riche' he is. (Rated 9)
    • (In conjunction with the above) Kit stands to inherit everything. (Rated 9)
  • Kit was involved with another man's wife in Bath two years ago. It was serious. (Rated 1)
  • Mr. Carlisle is actually Doctor Carlisle, but his adoptive father - his uncle Anthony Ellesmere - frowns upon this. (Rated 6)

Eleanor Clare

  • Eleanor is the illegitimate daughter of the late Marquess of Avening and consequently the half-sister of Lord Avening and his sister Gwendolyn Moncrieff. (Rated 1)
  • Eleanor is out in society. (Rated 5)
  • Eleanor is not out in society. (Rated 5)
  • Eleanor is the identity of the "EC" mentioned in the Society News linked to Anthony Dunford. (Rated 2)

Dorothea Darling

  • Dot blacked her brother's eye during an argument (rated 5)
  • Dot's husband Lord Flemming is mad keen on science and invention (Rated 9)
    • Dot has come to Town to escape her husband's experiments and wacky inventions (rated 9)
    • Dot may not have a house to return to by the end of the Season (Rated 6)

Jean-Laurent d'Aubin

Lunete d'Aubin

  • Lunete is actually the daughter of Lady Eastborough. (Rated 4)
  • Lunete is not quite as well behaved as she appears. (Rated 6)

Mirabelle Delafield

  • Mirabelle spends money frivolously on dresses, jewels and knick-knacks. (Rated 10)
  • Mirabelle's husband is confined to his bed with a mystery illness. (Rated 7)
  • Mirabelle is frequently unfaithful to her husband. (Rated 4)
  • Mirabelle is having an affair with:

Anthony Dunford

  • Anthony Dunford was married in Jamaica, but his poor wife died of a fever. (Rated 3)
    • (Alternative to Above): Anthony Dunford was married in Jamaica, but following the deaths of his father and brother, his wife was deemed unsuitable by the duchess and paid a substantial sum to get lost at sea. (Rated 3)
  • Anthony Dunford has a two-year-old son in Jamaica. (Rated 6)
    • (In Conjunction with Above) His name is James (Rated 4)
      • (Alternative to Above) His name is George. (Rated 5)

Elizabeth Dunford

  • Lizzie Dunford was expelled from seminary after taking up with a footman. (Rated 6)
  • Lizzie Dunford was secretly engaged last summer to Mr. Charles Johnson, of Kent. (Rated 2)
  • Lizzie Dunford has absolutely no intention whatsoever of marrying this Season, despite all her minxlike flirtatious looks. (Rated 7)
  • Lizzie Dunford has a crush on Marcus Fairmont. (Rated 4)
  • Lizzie Drunkford Dunford cannot hold her alcohol (Rated 5)

Marcus Fairmont

  • Marcus raced a lady on horseback through Kensington Gardens (Rated 7).
    • The lady was blonde. (Rated 5).
    • The lady was Lizzie Dunford. (Rated 4)
    • The lady was Claudia Morton. (Rated 4)
  • Marcus still carries a torch for:
  • Marcus would have proposed to Miss Grace Torrington but his best friend Jack O’Donaghue beat him to it and the girl, eager to be married, accepted. (Rated 5)
  • Marcus is happily married with three small children. (Rated 1)
    • (Alternative to above) Marcus is not married (happily or otherwise) but he still has three small children. (Rated 1)

Rosalind Fairmont

  • Rosalind Fairmont is taking her sweet time in finding a husband because no one is good enough compared to the gentleman she loves back home in Ireland. (Rated 5)
    • (In Conjunction with Above) He's a handsome stablehand. (Rated 4)
    • (Alternative to Above) He's a dashing friend of her deceased father. (Rated 5)

Robbie Fitzgerald

  • Robbie Fitzgerald has returned home due to a wound received in action while at war Spain. (Rated 7)
    • (Alternative to above) It was not a wound but an injury and it was not in action but while on patrol. (Rated 2)
  • Robbie Fitzgerald has been forced to resign his commission because of his injury. (Rated 4)
  • Robbie Fitzgerald has a thing for Shakespeare. (Rated 4)
    • Shakespeare is code for Bee Rosdew.

Nicholas Gosling

  • Nicholas Gosling has a daughter tucked away in his family estate (Rated 3)
    • (In Conjunction with Above): Her name is Nichola. (Rated 2)
    • (Alternative to Above): Her name is Violet. (Rated 2)
    • Violet/Nichola is mad. (Rated 2)
    • As is her mother Cassandra. (Rated 2)
  • Nicholas likes blondes. (Rated 10)
  • Nicholas Gosling has a beautiful, 17 year old, obscenely wealthy female ward, that he keeps tucked away in the remote country for fear that she'll be preyed upon by the Ton's mercenary. Or Will. (Rated 2)

Cassandra Gosling

  • Cassandra died of a broken heart when she discovered her husband's mistress. (Rated 3)
  • Cassandra didn't actually die; she went mad and is locked away at Hopetoun. (Rated 3)
  • Cassandra and her child didn't die, but both are mad and locked away at Hopetoun. (Rated 2)

William Gosling

  • William Gosling has an illegitimate son. (Rated 8)
    • William Gosling has multiple illegitimate sons (Rated 6)
    • His illegitimate son is currently in Town with his mother. (Rated 3)
      • William doesn't know yet. (Rated 3)
      • William does know; he just doesn't care. (Rated 3)
  • William Gosling is sleeping with:
    • Two women. (Rated 7)
      • Who are both married. (Rated 6)
      • And are sisters. (Rated 6)
    • The very newly widowed Lady Eliza Atwood (Rated 9)
    • His landlord's wife Mrs. Kirk (Rated 5)
    • An unknown Marchioness (Rated 8)
    • Katharine Steele (Rated 3)
    • All of Lord Raulings' redheaded granddaughters. (Rated 2)
    • All of the above (Rated 7)
  • Lady Pike's young twins are not Lord Pike's, but actually the offspring of William Gosling. (Rated 6)
  • Will Gosling belongs to an exclusive, underground society consisting of nobles from across the country. They practice bizarre rituals and indulge in general debauchery. (Rated 6)
  • William Gosling ruined Anniemarie Thwaites, the rich little ward of old Lord Locklere, sometime during the week of April 14th. (Rated 5)
  • William Gosling enjoys toying with young ladies' hearts. (Rated 10)
    • (In conjunction with above) One of those ladies is Annabelle Beacham. (Rated 1)
    • (Alternative to above) One of those ladies is Julianne Grafton. (Rated 1)
    • (Alternative to above) One of those ladies is Katharine Steele. (Rated 3)
    • (Alternative to above) One of those ladies is Jemima Palmer. (Rated 1)

Julianne Grafton

  • Julianne had an affair with a country squire's son. (Rated 5)
    • (In Conjunction With Above) Julianne was ruined by the squire's son. (Rated 3)
    • (In Conjunction With Above) Julianne and Lady Elizabeth feud because Lizzie also carried a torch for the very same squire's son. (Rated 3)
  • Julianne is the illegitimate daughter of Lady Raulings and a Russian archduke. (Rated 2)
    • Julianne's half brother is Victor Kincaide. (Rated 1)
  • Julianne is engaged in a social battle with Lady Juliet Landon. (Rated 8)
  • Julianne Grafton is only friends with blonde girls. (Rated 7)
    • (In Conjunction With Above): Julianne tried to get her sister to color her hair for her debut so Julianne would stand out more. (Rated 5)
  • Julianne started the rumor about Juliet Landon having to marry Damien Relmsey. (Rated 5)
  • Julianne is trying to break up Robert Vickery and Elise Hampton.

Elise Hampton

  • After having been seen enjoying the company of the Duke of Claitonborough, the Duke of Leighton and Lord Daniel Rossington, it is to be supposed that Elise is setting her sights on a Duchess' coronet and isn't picky about which. (Rated 6)
  • Elise is the illegitimate daughter of the late Marquess of Emerson. (Rated 4)
  • Elise has no fortune to speak of whatsoever. (Rated 3)
  • Elise has an understanding with Robert Vickery. (Rated 6)
  • Elise broke Jeremy Rondell's heart. (Rated 7)

Julia Hissop

  • Julia accepted the Duke of Pennington's offer of marriage mere weeks after he was rejected by her society rival, Lady Viola Fitzgerald. (Rated 8)
  • Julia cannot bear children. (Rated 1)

Benjamin Hutchinson

  • Ben is in extremely frail health and has brought his sister to London in hopes of seeing her well-married before he himself pops his clogs. (Rated 7 after his tumble into the Serpentine)
  • Invalids of a feather seem to flock together, for Ben has lost his heart to Imogen Rathbone. (Rated 3)
    • (In Conjunction with Above) Bookies are now accepting bets on which of the pair will die first. (Rated 3)

Susannah Hutchinson

  • Sukey has set her cap at George Hackett, Lord Selwyn. (Rated 6)
  • Sukey and Ben's Serpentine incident was the result of Sukey trying to communicate with a duck. (Rated 5)

Victor Kincaide

  • It's no real secret that Victor is on the lookout for a bride. (Rated 9)
  • Victor is a Russian noble sent to integrate into London Society until his services are needed. (Rated 1)
    • (In Conjunction with Above): His services have been deemed required by Miss Pamela Longstaffe. (Rated 2)
    • Victor's half sister is Julianne Grafton. (Rated 2)
    • Victor's half sister is Oksana 'Olivia' Fitzgerald. (Rated 2)
  • Victor has lately been seen in the company of Sophia Lazenby. (Rated 6)

Frederick Lazenby

  • The Lazenbys are strong swimmers. (Rated 1)
  • Freddy knows his way around a rowboat. (Rated 1)
  • Fred & Sophia have a disowned brother. (Rated 3)
  • Fred has adopted said brother's illegitimate child. (Rated 3)
  • Said child is actually his own. (Rated 3)
  • Fred likes blondes. (Rated 5)
  • Fred rarely plays cards because of a gambling addiction. (Rated 4)
  • Fred rarely plays cards because he is a card genius and it wouldn't be fair to his opponents. (Rated 4)

Sophia Lazenby

  • The Lazenbys are strong swimmers. (Rated 1)
  • Fred & Sophia have a disowned brother. (Rated 3)
  • Sophia knows where he is. (Rated 1)
  • Sophia is out to marry herself and her brother off this Season. (Rated 4)
  • Sophia has often been seen with Victor Kincaide recently. (Rated 5)
  • Sophia practises dark magic to make herself more popular with gentlemen. (Rated 3)

Rawdon 'Monty' Montgomery

Drusilla Mortemain

  • Drusilla is the illegitimate half sister of Emma Vickery. (Rated 3)
  • Drusilla is awkward and uncomfortable in London society. (Rated 2)

Arthur Osgood

Felicity Osgood

George Osgood

Harriet Osgood

Henry Osgood

Blake Pritchard

  • Blake ruined a debutante named Evangeline Listern, then refused to married her. She was forced to move to America to cover up her shame. (Rated 2)
  • Blake is desperately in love with Viola Fitzgerald. (Rated 6)
    • (In Conjunction With Above) Viola won't have him because she is in love with his brother. (Rated 3)
    • (In Conjunction With Above) He has proposed marriage to Viola and been refused. (Rated 2)
    • (In Conjunction With Above) He has proposed marriage to Viola and been accepted. (Rated 10)
  • Blake plays the violin. (Rated 2)

Charity Pritchard

  • Charity turned up to her coming out ball in a negligee. She was then forced to change it but not before most of the guests had got a fair impression of her assets. (Rated 8)
  • Charity is in love:

Gabriel Pritchard

  • The real Gabriel Pritchard is dead. (Rated 1)

Natalie Relmsey

  • Lady Natalie opened the dancing at the Haverleigh Party with her hostess' unmarried brother (Rated 6)
  • Lady Natalie has been corresponding with a bachelor. (Rated 2)
    • All they talk about is citrus fruit. (Rated 1)
  • Lady Natalie's sense of fashion is highly suspect. (Rated 4)

Isabella Rosdew

  • Miss Rosdew's grandfather was a pirate. (Rated 4)
  • Miss Rosdew's mother passed on a secret recipe to increase the size of a lady's chest. (Rated 2)
    • Miss Rosdew accidentally doubled the recipe. (Rated 2)
    • Miss Rosdew's chest is padded with cotton, to improve her chances of attracting a suitor. (Rated 4)
  • Miss Rosdew is being courted by Sir Peregrine, who presented her with a puppy as an expression of his ardent devotion. (Rated 4)
  • Miss Rosdew has nine boyfriends and a silver curricle (Rated 10)
    • This was presented to her to her by the Tsar of Russia.

Nathaniel Scarborough

  • The Scarboroughs may live in Devon but they were originally from... Scarborough. (Rated 3)
  • Nathaniel has a secret he is not telling anyone. (Rated 6)
  • Nathaniel has just discovered that he is heir to a Royal Dukedom and is not quite sure how to deal with the change in his situation. (Rated 2)
  • Nathaniel was dismissed from the navy for mysterious misdeeds. (Rated 3)
  • Nathaniel was wounded in battle and forced to resign his commission. (Rated 7)
  • Nathaniel has his eye on
  • Nathaniel is something of a flirt. (Rated 8)
  • Nathaniel keeps a mistress in the city, and he sometimes spends the night. (Rated 1, 3 among servants)
  • The Bathurst House is actually a gateway to the spirit world. Sometimes during the night people can hear lost spirits roaming the halls and rooms, searching for their way home or looking for someone to mess with. (Rated 1)
  • Nathaniel got into a fight and came to church on Sunday with a black eye (rated 10)
    • The fight was with his sister Lady Flemming (rated 5)

Katharine Steele

  • Katharine Steele is back in town not only for her sister's debut but also for a new husband herself. (Rated 6)
  • Katharine Steele is back in town not only for her sister's debut but also to take a lover. (Rated 6)
  • Katharine Steele has certain talents that would drive many men out of their wits. (Rated 1 in polite society; closer to 4 or 5 in less genteel company.)
  • Katharine Steele is making friends in all the wrong places. (Rated 4)
    • One of these friends is William Gosling. (Rated 4)
  • Katharine Steele is now having a torrid affair with William Gosling (Rated 6)
  • Katharine Steele is dangling after Nathaniel Scarborough. (Rated 4)

James Tibbord

  • Old Mr. Tibbord was murdered because he threatened to expose a competitor's involvement in a smuggling ring. (Rated 5)

Mary Tibbord

  • Polly was dismissed from her last post because she had plotted to run away to Gretna Green with the eldest son of the family. (Rated 7)
  • There is something very strange about Polly's relationship with her employers, the Hutchinsons, who hired her despite her lack of good references. (Rated 4)

Phillip Vaudrey

  • Sir Phillip has an idiot son in the country. (Rated 3)
    • (Alternate to above) Sir Phillip had a son, but he is dead. (Rated 4)
    • As a result, Lady Vaudrey went hopelessly mad. (Rated 6)
    • Lady Vaudrey is not dead at all, but locked in an insane asylum. (Rated 5)
      • She shares a room with Cassandra Gosling. (Rated 3)

Emma Vickery

  • Miss Emma Vickery has had a proposal, and accepted it (Rated 7)
    • The engagement came to an end due to the gentleman's death (Rated 5)
    • (Alternative to above) The gentleman is still living but has fled abroad due to some undisclosed indiscretion or other (Rated 4)
    • (Alternative to above) The gentleman fled abroad rather than meet Emma's brother Robert in a duel (rated 4)
  • Miss Vickery has taken on a paid companion, at her parents' insistence (Rated 6)
    • The companion, Miss Mortemain, is actually an illegitimate half-sister (Rated 3)

Robert Vickery

  • Mr Vickery challenged his sister's erstwhile suitor to a duel but the latter fled abroad before the duel could take place (Rated 4)
  • Mr Vickery and Miss Elise Hampton have/are about to come to an understanding... (Rated 6)
  • Mr Vickery is engaged to Charity Pritchard. (Rated 5)
  • Mr Vickery is engaged to Elise Hampton. (Rated 7) (9 after Thursday 16th May)

Avreya Voronstova

  • Lady Avreya is from Moscow (Rated 4)
  • Lady Avreya is from St. Petersburg (Rated 4)
  • Lady Avreya is the illegitimate daughter of Countess von Albrecht (Rated 3)
  • Lady Avreya's wardrobe is one of the finest in London (Rated 6)
    • Lady Avreya's wardrobe is one of the most shocking in London (Rated 4)
  • Lady Avreya was jilted by her fiancé (Rated 4)
    • Lady Avreya jilted her fiancé (Rated 2)

Daphne Werlington

  • The Duchess of Beaumont's admirers include:
  • The Duchess of Beaumont is expecting again, and her cravings include citrus fruits. (Rated 7)
  • The Duchess of Beaumont is to be named the Incomparable of the 1811 Season. (Rated 10)

Ira Wilson

  • Mr. Wilson is the son of the disgraced Henrietta Ruxburgh (Rated 8)
    • Mr. Wilson is the illegitimate son of the disgraced Henrietta Ruxburgh (Rated 4)
  • Mr. Wilson used to be a petty criminal in Manchester (Rated 2)
  • Mr. Wilson has paid some marked attention to Miss Rosdew (Rated 5)

The Winter Family

  • The family made its fortune in trade. (Rated 2)
  • The family has no fortune to speak of (Rated 1)
  • Augusta Winter tried to smother Katie Winter in her sleep out of jealousy. (Rated 2)
  • Augusta Winter is easy (Rated 2)
  • Augusta Winter is Society News (Rated 1)

Clementine Worthing

  • There has not been a ball at Bathampton since Lady Clementine was sent away to school (Rated 3 in London, 6 in Bath)
  • Lady Clementine's mother went...elsewhere to get her longed for heir. (Rated 6 in London, 8 in Bath)

Former Characters

Annabelle Beacham

  • Belle's father was an admiral in the navy. He was actually a bit of a war hero, distinguished himself in the American Revolution. (Rated 9)
  • Belle's Father is actually a pirate and his estate (and her fortune) are made up of is ill-gotten gains. (Rated 7)
  • Belle has attracted the attention of well known womaniser, William Gosling. Someone needs to sort her out before she ruins herself. (Rated 2)
    • Something has already happened (at Brixton!) between Belle and William Gosling. (Rated 1)
  • Belle has attracted the attention of the other Gosling brother, the Duke of Leighton. Someone needs to sort her out to make sure she makes the match. (Rated 6)

Emma DeLancey

  • Emma has no fortune at all (Rated 10)
  • Emma's father is so controlling that he will not allow her to marry anyone, and would prefer she stay with him forever. (Rated 7)
  • Emma is secretly engaged to a Russian nobleman and has been since birth. (Rated 6)
  • Emma and her father's heir, Benedict DeLancey, as certain to be engaged this season. (Rated 7)
    • Emma refuses to marry Benedict because she wants to be a nun. (Rated 6)
    • Emma refuses to marry Benedict because she has secretly betrothed herself to a landowner from Kent. (Rated 6)
    • Benedict refuses to marry Emma for a variety of reasons (ugliness, temper, she's secretly an idiot, etc). (Rated 6)

Adam Faulkner

  • Adam Faulkner is the real identity of novelist Adam Lane (Rated 7)

Olivia Fitzgerald

  • Olivia is in love:
  • Olivia is not 'Olivia' all but Oksana, the daughter of a friend of Olivia's father and a Russian noble woman. (Rated 1)
    • The Russian noblewoman was Victor Kincaide's mother, too.
  • Olivia is teaching herself Arabic. (Rated 4)
    • (In conjunction with the above) Olivia is in love with Aaron Abdullah. (Rated 2)
  • Olivia is going to marry the Duke of Claitonborough. (Rated 3)
  • Olivia has a giant crush on Marcus Fairmont and cried herself to sleep at night until her elder sister bullied the Marquess into opening her deb ball with her. (Rated 5)

Viola Fitzgerald

  • Viola's absence from society for the past three years and decision not to marry is because she had an affair with Geoffrey Stapleton (rated 8);
    • (Alternative to above) She has a love child with Geoffrey Stapleton in the country (rated 4);
  • Viola has been forbidden to speak to Geoffrey by her aunt. (Rated 1)
    • This has put a strain on their secret marriage. (Rated 1).
  • Viola murdered her best friend Lady Priscilla because she was in love with Priscilla's husband. (Rated 6)
  • Viola and Julia, Duchess of Pennington mutually hate each other. (Rated 9)
  • The Fitzgerald family has lost all its money (rated 7).
    • (In conjunction with above) All the money the Fitzgeralds have now was loaned to them from their generous Rutland cousins. (Rated 1)
  • Viola was married by proxy in youth to a foreign royal and has been waiting for her husband to return to claim her. (Rated 6)
  • Viola is so desperate to marry this season that she is flinging herself recklessly at Lord Emerson and even provoked him into challenging Francis Hopkins-Lawrence to a duel over her on Good Friday. (Rated 7)
    • (Alternative to above) It was the other way round: Francis challenged Blake. (Rated 6)
    • The duel was only averted after Viola persuaded both men to leave off. (Rated 2)
  • Francis Hopkins-Lawrence proposed to Lady Viola Fitzgerald at her musicale. (Rated 7)
  • Lord and Lady Rotherham have not returned to town because of their injured son but in order to sort out Viola's marriage prospects once and for all. (Rated 7)
  • Viola is engaged to or is about to become engaged to Lord Emerson. (Rated 10)
  • Viola is thought to have rejected a proposal from Dougal Fairmont because of concerns regarding marrying below her station. (Rated 10)

George Hackett

  • George Hackett has come to London to look for a wife. (Rated 10)
  • George's father is dying. (Rated 8)
  • George got entangled with a woman whilst in Italy. (Rated 4)
  • George is having an affair with a married lady. (Rated 1)

Frank Harpole

  • Frank is in town to find a wife. (Rated 6)
  • Frank was dishonourably discharged from the army. (Rated 2)
  • Frank is still in love with Catherine McAvoy. (Rated 4)
  • Frank has no idea how to manage an estate and is completely reliant on his brothers for help. (Rated 5)

Dominic Hissop

  • Dominic has been brought in to Town to have his edges smoothed off in preparation for becoming the next Duke of Pennington. (Rated 1)
    • This must acknowledge the persistent childless state of the present Duke, hinting that he suspects or has reason to suspect he will remain without a legitimate son. (Rated 1)
      • Dominic is the Duke's own bastard son who was shipped to the West Indies years ago. (Rated -5 because Henry was ten years old when Dominic was born, geez you'd have to be thick as mince to believe this one.)
  • Dominic has left a mistress of many years and two illegitimate children in Jamaica. (Rated 1)
    • He plans to make his bastards his heirs as soon as the duchy is his. (Rated 1)
  • Dominic is actually a pirate who killed the real Mr. Hissop en route to England. (Rated 1)
  • Dominic doesn't have any tan lines. If you know what I mean. (Rated 1 unless someone asks that poor footman, William.)

Henry Layton

  • Henry enjoys reading philosophy. (Rated 9)
  • Henry, like his father, is a spy. (Rated 2)
  • Henry has sung professionally on the stage. (Rated 5)
  • Henry is in love:
  • Henry is taking an interest in Aaron Abdullah. (Rated 7)
    • Because he is waiting for the right moment to murder him in revenge for seducing his sister, Phoebe. (Rated 2)

Henry Layton I (deceased)

  • The first Lord Parry was murdered. (Rated 4)
  • The first Lord Parry is still alive. (Rated 3)
  • The first Lord Parry worked as a spy against the French. (Rated 2)
  • The first Lord Parry worked as a spy for the French. (Rated 2)
  • The first Lord Parry had an affair with Lady Emerson. Who is French. (Rated 3)

Phoebe Layton

  • Lady Phoebe converted to Catholicism and resides happily in a convent in Bavaria. (Rated 8)
  • Lady Phoebe lost her character in her first season and keeps a faro-bank in Edinburgh with her widowed sister, Lady Kirkfries. (Rated 7)
  • Lady Phoebe was won off her brother in a card game by a dashing Italian Count. (Rated 4)
  • Lady Phoebe is locked up:
    • In Crantock Abbey by her evil great-uncle the Marquess of Crantock where she is forced to eat rats. Her brother visits her once a year. (Rated 6)
    • In a convent in Bavaria because she lost her character her first season. (Rated 5)
    • In her Italian count/husband's castle in the Appenines. (Rated 4)
  • Lady Phoebe is a French spy. (Rated 4)
  • Lady Phoebe was kidnapped by pirates and sold to a sultan as his fortieth wife. (Rated 2)
    • (In conjunction with the above) She then got seduced by Aaron Abdullah. (Rated 2)

Juliet Landon

  • Juliet has formed an army of debutante warriors to fight against Lady Julianne Grafton in the battle for the title incomparable. (New recruits welcome) (Rated 7)
  • Juliet is engaged to Damien Relmsey. (Rated 10)
    • Juliet had to get engaged to Damien Relmsey. (Rated 3)

Mallory MacAlpine

Catherine McAvoy

  • Catherine poisoned her husband. (Rated 5)
  • Catherine smothered her husband. (Rated 5)
  • Catherine will make a man out of every young puppy who crosses her path in Edinburgh, especially if they are a red coat. (Rated 8)
  • Nobody quite knows what goes on during Catherine's house parties at Kirkfries Castle for good reason. (Rated 6)
  • Catherine is a Catholic and a Jacobite. (Rated 3)
  • Catherine's high life in Edinburgh is all a cover for the fact that actually she's a bluestocking who writes articles about natural science and philosophy for the Edinburgh Review under a male pseudonym. (Rated 5)
  • Catherine has a crush on her cousin, The Duke of Leighton. (Rated 1)
  • Catherine and Katharine Steele have started a club for widows named [K/C]ath[e/a]rine. Membership requirements are obvious. (Rated 3).
  • Catherine is having an affair with Stephen Brydges. (Rated 2).
  • Catherine only returned to London to seduce Frank Harpole. (Rated 3)

Claudia Morton

  • Claudia ignored her chaperone duties in Bath with Regina Rutledge and spent the time being romanced by a young buck. (Rated 8)
  • Claudia has raced a certain gentleman on horseback through Kensington Gardens (Rated 6).
    • (In conjunction with above) The gentleman was Marcus Fairmont, from whom she waited for a proposal, and with whom she was in love. (Rated 5)
    • (Alternative to above) ... with whom she is still in love. (Rated 2)
  • Claudia's marriage with Lord Worth has not been consummated. (Rated 4)
  • Claudia has had at least two illegitimate children in secret. (Rated 4)
  • Lord Worth has had at least two illegitimate children in secret. (Rated 3)
  • Claudia hasn't given birth to an heir due to an inability to conceive. (Rated 1)

Gwendolyn Moncrieff

  • Gwen is having an affair with Lord Wyck. (Rated 1)

Oscar Moncrieff

  • Lord Avening has a bride in Asia, the daughter of a Mongolian chieftain, whom he has left behind but is in correspondence with. (Rated 5)
  • Lord Avening has lost all his money and is forcing his ward, Miss Clare, to marry him next Season. (Rated 3)

Diana Osbourne

  • Diana is Welsh. (Rated 9)
  • Diana and her brother James are actually husband and wife, not brother and sister. (Rated 3)
  • Diana is actually a penniless housemaid out to con society. (Rated 4)
  • Diana is a long lost relative of Lady Eastborough. (Rated 3)
  • Diana is a Treville. (Rated 6)

James Osbourne

  • James has syphillis. (Rated 2)
  • James and his sister Diana are actually husband and wife, not brother and sister. (Rated 3)
  • James is actually a penniless footman out to con society. (Rated 4)
  • James is a long lost relative of Lady Eastborough (Rated 3)

Jemima Palmer

  • Jemima has been living in a French convent for the last few years, due to certain indiscretions. (Rated 2)
    • (Alternative to above) Jemima has been in France acting as a companion to an elderly relative. (Rated 8)
      • (Addition to above) Said relative is extremely wealthy and has named Jemima as the sole heir to her fortune. (Rated 5)
      • (Addition to above) Lady Francesca Palmer started the rumor about the fortune. (Rated 1)

Daniel Rossington

  • Lord Daniel Rossington's sudden absence from England last season had nothing to do with his desire to tour the continent, but instead over heartbreak. (Rated 8)
  • His sister-in-law, the Duchess of Welby, died just before his departure (Rated 10).
  • Lord Daniel Rossington has at least one illegitimate child running around Europe. (Rated 6).
    • (In Conjunction With Above) The boy has been rumoured to live either in Germany, Italy and France. (Rated 5).
    • (In Conjunction With Above) His name changes between Matthew and Richard. (Rated 5).

Walter Roydon

  • Though there have been rumours of duels, no one can produce bodies or injuries to account for Walter's having fought anyone on any account. (Rated 8)
  • Walter Roydon has various illegitimate children. Estimates range between 3 and 30. (Rated 10)

Geoffrey Stapleton

  • Geoffrey has a private income. (Rated 7)
  • Geoffrey is the real identity of popular novelist Adam Lane. (Rated 1)
  • Geoffrey has a peculiar skin disease that means he rarely removes his gloves. (Rated 3)
  • Geoffrey is in love with Viola Fitzgerald. (Rated 9)
    • Had an affair with Viola. (Rated 8)
    • Has married Viola in secret. (Rated 3)
    • Has a love child with her. (Rated 4)

Felicity Staunton

  • Felicity has no fortune to speak of. (Rated 7)
  • Felicity is always snappy at Marcus Fairmont because she is secretly in love with him (Rated 3)
  • Felicity has attracted the attention of Algernon Culpepper and a proposal is expected within the next few weeks. (Rated 9)
    • (In conjunction with above): She is excited about becoming a Culpepper. (Rated 10, if you ask Algernon Culpepper)
    • (In conjunction with above): She is dreading becoming a Culpepper. (Rated 8, if you ask anyone else)
  • Felicity foolishly refused Algernon Culpepper's proposal in Hyde Park. (Rated 10)
  • Felicity wisely refused Algernon Culpepper's proposal in Hyde Park. (Rated 10)

Linus Staunton

  • Linus has no fortune to speak of. (Rated 6)
  • Linus is really only friends with Algernon Culpepper for his money. (Rated 7)
  • Linus has taken laudanum for more than medicinal purposes. (Rated 6)
  • Linus is a member of the Hellfire Club. (Rated 5)
  • Linus was seen in a quite compromising situation with an actress in a shadowy area at Vauxhall recently. (Rated 3)
  • Linus has fathered at least 7 children, some which have been disguised as additional Staunton siblings as no one would notice the surplus. (Rated 4)
  • Linus has nicked one of Auntie D's stockings and gave it away as part of a card game forfeit. (Rated 3)

Rebecca Sterne, née Garrison

  • Rebecca is not married because she suffers from some kind of delicate ailment and can never bear children. (Rated 2)
  • Rebecca is married and has three children. She has abdicated from that dreary life, leaving the children with her sister, and has run away to start fresh with the Groves.
  • Rebecca has recently married Thomas Sterne. (Rated 10)
  • Rebecca is carrying the child of a military man. (Rated 7)
    • (In conjunction with above) That military man is her new husband Thomas Sterne. (Rated 7)
    • (Alternative to above) That military man is not her new husband Thomas Sterne. (Rated 4)

Thomas Sterne

  • Captain Sterne has killed a man in a duel. (Rated 8)
  • He has sung serenades under Mrs. Quartermaine's window. (Rated 9)
    • The captain is in love with Mrs. Quartermaine. (Rated 5)
    • The reason why the captain has been seen prowling about Miss Staunton is because he is trying to get closer to his beloved, Demelza. (Rated 3)
  • He is participating in a wager on who can seduce a greater quantity of Spanish officers' wives. (Rated 8)
  • He has seduced, become engaged to, and broken the latter engagement with a certain baron's daughter after being back in London for less than a week. (Rated 1)
  • He is having an affair with Selina Clare. (Rated 5)
  • Thomas is newly married to Rebecca Garrison. (Rated 10)
    • This has not affected his relationship with Selina Clare. (Rated 3)

Richard Sterne

  • Richard is a very mysterious and reclusive man who spends most of his time traveling to exotic locations. (Rated 8)
    • (Alternative to Above): In one of his trips, Lord Essex contracted an unknown disease which has rendered him quite mad. (Rated 6).

Charlotte Tolson

  • Miss Charlotte Tolson has been romantically linked to much of English society in India (receiving at least 3 proposals!), and has also been linked to members outside of Anglo-Indian society. (Rated 7)
  • Charlotte was the belle of Bombay society. (Rated 5)
  • Charlotte is actually secretly engaged to a young gentleman that she met in Bombay. (Rated 3)
    • (In Conjunction with Above): But that was India and who really cares about that in London? (Rated 4)
  • Charlotte practices Indian pagan sorcery in her London garden (Rated 1)

Edward Tolson

  • Mr. Edward Tolson had once considered abandoning his title and wealth to join the East India Company as a soldier, but as the only son of the current Baron Middleton, had been forcefully coerced out of such a path. (Rated 7)
  • Edward was so loathe to leave India as he had fallen in love with a native, the daughter of his Amah.


Camilla Fairmont

  • Camilla is tired of grieving the loss of her beloved husband and is thinking of taking a lover. (Rated 3)