Juliet Landon

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Hell hath no fury like a debutante scorned.

Juliet Marion Landon, born Lady Juliet Landon, is the second daughter of Edmond Landon and Marion Landon, Marquess and Marchioness of Beningborough. She is played by Izzie.

Juliet Landon
Portrayed by Leighton Meester
Full Name Juliet Marion Landon
Associated Noble House(s) Marquessate of Beningborough, Earldom of Seyton
Date of Birth August 22, 1793
Father Edmond Landon
Father's Rank Marquess of Beningborough
Mother Marion Landon (nee Burstow)
Mother's Rank Marchioness of Beningborough
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
Year of Debut 1811
Dowry £50,000


Juliet's immediate family is abnormally large, though her extended family is much smaller.

The Landon's

Augusta Landon, Dowager Marchioness of Beningborough - Paternal Grandmother

Edmond Landon, Marquess of Beningborough - Father

Marion Landon (nee Burstow), Marchioness of Beningborough - Mother

Richard Landon, Earl of Seyton - Brother

Elizabeth "Ella" Landon, Countess of Seyton - Sister-in-Law

Elizabeth Landon - Sister

Frederick Landon - Brother

Amelia "Amy" Landon - Sister

The Tolson's

Thomas Tolson, Baron of Middleton - Uncle

Katherine Tolson (nee Burstow), Baroness of Middleton - Maternal Aunt

Edward Tolson - Cousin

Charlotte Tolson - Cousin

The Powell's

Celia Powell - Paternal Aunt

Lewis Powell - Uncle

Lydia Powell - Cousin (1793-1800)

Katherine Powell - Cousin

The Burstow's

Samuel Burstow, Baron of Roth - Maternal Uncle

Angela Burstow (nee Waldegrave), Baroness of Roth - Maternal Aunt (1776 -1791)

Gerard Burstow - Cousin

Lucy Burstow - Cousin

Childhood (1793-1811)

Juliet's childhood was spent trying to step out from Elizabeth's perfect shadow that she had cast over Juliet. Since her birth, Juliet had been loud and the seeker of attention (in a way not dissimilar to her paternal grandmother, Augusta Landon) and found that no matter what she did, she could never measure up to Elizabeth in her mother's opinion. Instead, Juliet has become somewhat of a nuisance to the Landon family, generally causing havoc whenever she can to make sure that her family doesn't forget about her. Because of her closeness in age to Elizabeth, the two grew up alternating between being good friends and worst enemies. The two girls had a variety of tutors hired to teach them a variety of skills, though Juliet tended to scare a lot of them off. It wasn't until Elizabeth left for her Season in 1810 that Juliet began to realize how big of a part her sister played in her life, and began looking forward to when her sister would return home.

Debut (1811)

1811 was a year that Marion Landon had not been looking forward to, as it was the year that she would be forced to unleash Juliet upon society. Though Juliet was not as rambunctious as she had been as a child, there was still some concern that she would muddle something up. So far she has proven to be more outgoing than perhaps accepted in society, but she has found herself with a great many acquaintances and friends already in London, as well as a few potential suitors.

Battle of the Debutantes (1811)

Having only been in London for a week, Juliet has already found herself embroiled in a battle with Julianne Grafton for the title of Incomparable for the 1811 Season. Thus far Juliet has beaten Lady Julianne in newspaper mentions, and Julianne responded by spilling lemonade all over Juliet's dress. Juliet has garnered support from Elizabeth Landon, Charity Pritchard, Elizabeth Dunford and Charlotte Tolson thus far in her quest to bring down Lady Julianne, but only time will tell how the Season will end...


The Landon family owns a number of residences, including:

Beningborough Hall (connected with the Marquessate of Beningborough)

Seyton Court (connected with the Earldom of Seyton)

Morledge Park

Beningborough House (London residence, located at 84 Brook Street, Mayfair)


Daphne Werlinghton, Duchess of Beaumont - Juliet met her completely by accident, but their odd sort of friendship has proved fruitful. The Duchess seems to really like Juliet, and has introduced her to her brother, Damien Relmsey.

Damien Relmsey, Viscount Torrington - One of Juliet's favourite people in London, she first met him when he was hurt outside of Beningborough House, only to discover that he was the Duchess's brother.

Charlotte Tolson, daughter of the Baron Middleton - Juliet's cousin, who she has taken an instant liking to. She likes Charlotte's sweetness and honesty, a refreshing change from her turbulent relationship with her sister, Elizabeth.

Charity Pritchard, cousin of the Marchioness of Emerson - A new friend, they finally made each others' acquaintance at the Emerson Ball. The two get on like a house on fire, and Charity shares Juliet's distaste of Lady Julianne.

Elizabeth Dunford, sister of the Duke of Claitonborough - Introduced to Juliet via Charity, the two get along quite well, and Juliet is happy to find that there exists another debutante who is almost as impertinent as herself, at times!

Daniel Rossington, brother of the Duke of Welby - an old family friend, Juliet has never been quite comfortable around Neil.


Blake Pritchard, Marquess of Emerson - Took a turn around the room with him at Almack's, instantly attracted to his biting wit and innocent flirtation. She realizes that he'll never be interested in her, but that won't stop her from developing a little crush.

Tristan Edgeworth, Viscount Latimer - While their families both come from Yorkshire, and have met before, Tristan and Juliet have never really spoken until Almack's. They're both a little awkward, but could develop a friendship.

Edouard Loring, Earl of Denholme - Juliet shared a rather flirtatious dance with Edouard at Almack's, which then lead to a call at Beningborough House the next day. She's unsure of him still, but appreciates his willingness to go along with her flirtation.

Nicholas Gosling, Duke of Leighton - What started off as a very stormy encounter soon blossomed into a very tenuous relationship. While both aren't entirely sure if they like the other, they do their best to put on a good front.

George Hackett, Viscount Selwyn - While George may have enjoyed his dance with Juliet, she most certainly did not. She finds him rather boring and old, but does love his stories of Italy.

Damien Relmsey, Viscount Torrington - another accidental acquaintance, Juliet met the brother of the Duchess of Werlington under very peculiar circumstances...she does, however, find him quite charming and likes him already.

Rosalind Fairmont, sister of the Marquess of Foxford - met through her cousin, Charlotte. Was invited to Lady Rosalind's picnic, which she was very happy about. Hasn't spent much time with her, but thinks she's a nice enough lady.

Marcus Fairmont, Marquess of Foxford - also met through Charlotte, Juliet is well aware of Charlotte's feelings for him, despite the fact she has never told Juliet about them. Thinks him pleasant enough, and would very much like to get to know him better.

Sylvester Leveson, son of the Duke of Elsings - met at Lady Rosalind's picnic, Juliet spent a good deal of time flirting with him, simply because she could. Wants to continue their acquaintanceship, but isn't all that interested in a romance with him.

Edith Vaughan - Juliet's newest friend, she gets along quite well with Edith. Also met by accident at Lady Rosalind's picnic. They spent a great deal of time talking about books and mythology.

Amelia Leveson, daughter of the Duke of Elsings - Juliet's first real frenemy, she finds Mia's presence dull, annoying and incredibly frivilous. She's embarrassed to be a debutante with the girl, but has to be pleasant to her because of her rank.

Viola Fitzgerald, daughter of the Earl of Rotherham - only met briefly at the picnic, and doesn't really have an opinion of the lady as of yet.

David Alford, Earl of Auckland - an old acquaintance of Juliet's, she finds that the more she gets to know him, the more she wishes she didn't.

Henry Layton II, Earl of Parry - One of Juliet's newest acquaintances, she finds the Earl to be very charming, but rather thinks that he may be interested in Charity...

Annabelle Beacham, daughter of Sir Rowland Beacham - Juliet barged into a conversation that Miss Beacham was having at the Fitzgerald's Musicale, introducing herself to her fellow debutante. While Belle is perhaps a little too obsessed with puppies for Juliet's liking, she thinks that she is a nice enough girl.

Alethea Tessington, Viscountess Tessington - Also introduced to the Viscountess at the Fitzgerald Musicale, Juliet had been warned off by her mother about Alethea, though Juliet likes the Viscountess very much.

Victor Kincaide, Viscount Moodswing - I mean, Viscount Hawksley ... - Scared him off at the Fitzgerald Musicale. Can't decide to feel bad for the gentleman or to laugh.

Penelope Grove, daughter of the Marquess of Pendleston - Juliet can't seem to get a measure of the girl. She is a friend of Elizabeth's, so perhaps that is why she seems to strange to Juliet.

Patrick Grove, son of the Marquess of Pendleston - Daniel Rossington's best friend, Juliet finds him quite funny and amiable enough.

Elizabeth Hampton, ward of the Marchioness of Emerson - Juliet knows Elise through Charity, and knows that Elise is friends with Julianne Grafton. Juliet feels bad for the sweet girl, who should probably be on their side against Julianne.

Love Interests

Blake Pritchard - the first man Juliet meets in London, and she just can't help but flirting with him. She knows that he doesn't share any of her feelings, but that won't stop her from looking...

Edouard Loring - the two share a flirtatious relationship, though she can't ever see herself marrying him.

Nicholas Gosling - a love interest thrust upon her by her mother, Juliet and the Duke barely get along, and while she has no feelings for him (other than annoyance), the two always seem to meet in the strangest places.

Damien Relmsey - Damien is quickly becoming one of Juliet's favourite people in all of London - the two get along splendidly, and always have something to talk about. Just prior to Damien's departure to visit his ailing partner, he made a declaration of his affection to Juliet. She believes that upon his return to London, their engagement may be imminent.

Sylvester Leveson - a flirting partner, nothing more.


Julianne Grafton, daughter of the Marquess of Raulings - Has put a hit out on Juliet, who has proven herself to be a serious contender for the title of Incomparable for the Season. Plots and pranks ensue.


April 10, 1811

Juliet's first Almack's of the Season, where she makes her proper debut into society.

Preparing for a Ball Juliet Landon, Marion Landon (NPC) - Beningborough House, Afternoon

A short narrative of the arrangements for Juliet's debut at Almack's at the newly renovated Beningborough House.

Why Marry a Princess? Juliet Landon, Blake Pritchard, Marion Landon (NPC), Elizabeth Landon (NPC) - Almack's Assembly Rooms, Evening

Juliet's entrance to Almack's was wrought with scandal - not only did she turn down a gentleman for a dance, but she then proceeded to back into the Marquess of Emerson. Feeling sorry for the poor debutante, Blake asks her to take a turn around the room with him. She accepts, and causes quite the scene, as Blake is an eligible bachelor who is terrified of matrimony. To be seen with a debutante is a dangerous thing indeed, and yet Blake handles it well. The two argue a small amount, until Tristan Edgeworth arrives and claims Juliet for a dance.

Selina - The Second Dance Juliet Landon, Tristan Edgeworth - Almack's Assembly Rooms, Evening

After her turn around the room with Blake Pritchard, Juliet accepts her first dance of the evening with an old family friend, Tristan Edgeworth. The two have a tenuous relationship, having only met a few times in the years that their families estates have been nearby in Yorkshire.

Distracted by Shinies Juliet Landon and Daphne Werlington - Almack's Assembly Rooms, Evening

After Juliet takes a wrong turn attempting to find her mother and sister, she happens upon the Duchess of Beaumont in a Lady's Retiring Room. The two strike up a conversation after Juliet stubs her toe, and they speak of how Juliet is enjoying her debut. The topic of the Duchess' brother, Damien, arises, and Daphne begins to plot for the two to perhaps get together. She plans an informal tea that Juliet is invited to attend in order to meet Damien, and the two part ways, both incredibly excited at the tea to be held.

Introductions between the 5th and 6th dances Juliet Landon, Edouard Loring, Elizabeth Landon (NPC), Emily Lambert (NPC), Marion Landon (NPC) - Almack's Assembly Rooms, Evening

Juliet and Elizabeth are found by Emily Lambert, Countess of Merseyside, and introduced to her cousin, Edouard Loring. Edouard and Juliet exchange some pleasantries, witty comments, and soon Edouard has secured a dance with "that girl who caused Emerson so much trouble".

Dancing the 6th Dance Juliet Landon, Edouard Loring and Elizabeth Landon (NPC) - Almack's Assembly Rooms, Evening

Juliet and Edouard get along quite well, to the surprise of all parties involved, especially after the Earl's dance with a testy Charlotte Tolson (cousin to Lady Juliet) earlier in the evening. The two flirt ceaselessly, and start a guessing game between the two as to just why ladies love attending balls so much, which the Earl is unable to figure out.

Nicholas v The Landon Sisters, Part I Juliet Landon, Nicholas Gosling, Elizabeth Landon (NPC), Blake Pritchard - Almack's Assembly Rooms, Evening

While Juliet only appears briefly, the encounter between Elizabeth and Nicholas is what precipitates the disasterous dance between Juliet and Nicholas later in the evening. Nicholas overhears Juliet telling off the Marquess of Emerson, and thus labels her a "harpy".

Feeling Rather "Out of Place" (Nicholas v The Landon Sisters, Part II) Juliet Landon, Nicholas Gosling, Marion Landon (NPC), Elizabeth Landon (NPC) - Almack's Assembly Rooms, Evening

A quiet dance with the fair Lady Elizabeth Landon was all that the Duke of Leighton really wanted. Instead, he met her meddlesome mother, the Marchioness of Beningborough, and her tempermental debutante sister, Lady Juliet. After a relatively polite start to their dance, Juliet and Nicholas engage in a full out fight in the middle of Almack's, even go so far as to hold the dance up. The two come to a tentative ceasefire, and conclude the dance pretending to enjoy each other's company, using Juliet losing a slipper as their excuse for the hold up during the dance.

The Jubilee Juliet Landon, George Hackett, Marion Landon (NPC) - Almack's Assembly Rooms, Evening

Still reeling from her dance with the Duke of Leighton, Juliet is hardly herself once she begins to dance with Lord Selwyn. The two have a pleasant dance together, although Juliet finds him slightly boring. She is intrigued by his tales of Italy, but the dance finishes before they have a chance to speak further.

At the end of the night, all becomes right (Nicholas v The Landon Sisters, Part III) Juliet Landon, Nicholas Gosling, Elizabeth Landon (NPC), Marion Landon (NPC) - Almack's Assembly Rooms, Evening

Taking place during the 12th Dance, Juliet and Elizabeth meet on a balcony, where Elizabeth shows her true colours in her beliefs about marriage and love. Unknown to either sister, Nicholas Gosling is listening in, and is shocked by the fair Lady Elizabeth. Elizabeth leaves, Nicholas enters, and apologizes to Juliet. The two start (what could be called) a new friendship, and take a turn around the room, talking, under the pretense of locating Juliet's family. They part company on a friendly note, and Marion begins scheming to have Juliet married to the Duke.

April 11, 1811

Juliet attends Lady Rosalind's picnic in Hyde Park.

Picnic Party in the Park - http://z9.invisionfree.com/thelondonlife/index.php?showtopic=1029&st=0&#entry3074358

April 12, 1811

Juliet meets Lord Torrington for the first time, following a riding accident.

An Accidental Meeting - http://z9.invisionfree.com/thelondonlife/index.php?showtopic=1062&st=0&#last

April 14, 1811

The annual Emerson Ball descends upon society, and Miss Charity Pritchard and Miss Elise Hampton both make their debuts. The Battle of the Debutantes begins between Juliet and Julianne.

Laughter's Crown Jewels - http://z9.invisionfree.com/thelondonlife/index.php?showtopic=1342&st=0

Of Destruction and Debutantes - http://z9.invisionfree.com/thelondonlife/index.php?showtopic=1394

Aftermath and First Dance - http://z9.invisionfree.com/thelondonlife/index.php?showtopic=1421

Today was a Fairytale - http://z9.invisionfree.com/thelondonlife/index.php?showtopic=1639

For a complete archive of Juliet's threads, please visit: http://z9.invisionfree.com/thelondonlife/index.php?showtopic=563